Worst crafting system of Decade - Flashpoint Gen Mods

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by jolaksi, May 15, 2021.

  1. Vella Well-Known Player

    The amount of grind needed to just get 1 40.4 is insane, let alone 12. I'd rather have them tide to bounties. It's faster with bounties.
  2. inferno Loyal Player

    The amount of source marks I am spending just to buy enough catalysts. AAAArggghhh!!!
    After opening 240 support mod caches and making sure I pick the right one, I realize the worst part is that I have to do this again for the health/power cache as well... another 240.

    Dear devs, I know you're already doing the next dlc. DON'T DO THIS AGAIN. PLEASE STOP.
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  3. ObsceneBoy Committed Player

    it would be half bearable if the plans dropped from content
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  4. inferno Loyal Player

    The amount of casino marks for the plans isn't even bad since they're account bound. But I have already spent over 300 source marks for the FPcatalysts and I am only halfway done.

    And clicking open 750 caches is just insanely, mindlessly brainkiller.
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  5. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    With or without this horrible crafting system you “have to” replace the mods every dlc with the new ones so what exactly is your point? Also, i know you dont actually have to do anything lol. But each dlc comes with new an better mods so crafting or not, you’ll be doing new ones every dlc.
    Theres no “value added” to this crappy crafting. Buying em direct for marks was miles better.
    It adds frustration not replay-ability.
    Its just like the bounty spams. Devs did it to force us to play more but they are missing the difference between playing more and enjoying it to playing more and hating it.
    The data will show we played the dlc longer but its not telling the actual story of the play
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  6. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Not saying it was better that buying directly. I agree I’d rather just buy them once all I’m saying is that calling it the worst crafting system is a bit of an over exaggeration.
  7. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    i spent about an hour just opening mod boxes and catalyst caches yesterday.
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  8. xxHELLSTROKExx Loyal Player

    I still think I like it more than bounties. At least LLL bounties. Being able to share the dropped mods between toons would be great but probably not what they're trying to accomplish. But it's almost time for my other toons to start chipping in and then it should go a lot faster. I think.

    One thing we need to give the devs credit for, this dlc is wayyyy more alt friendly. Aside from this crafting system, everything is better imo
  9. Lara Committed Player

    Say thanks to the ppl that did cry about bounty spamming :)
  10. zNot Loyal Player

    Couldnt they just do 1 bounty boss like this episode has and just put rewards in there for bounty spammers? While still giving us 2 raids etc
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  11. Lara Committed Player

    i wish tho... but we both know the raids anyway garbage :(

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  12. zNot Loyal Player

    Facts :-( the alert and duo got too much love in map design and boss mechanics compared to the raids..
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  13. Lara Committed Player

    Ye ngl the design of the Alert and Duo is good they actually nice but they made it to easy (raids) hopefully next DLC gonna be better.
    None of this crazy crafting stuff for mods and good mechanics for Raid etc!
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  14. zNot Loyal Player

    Exactly i hope that they will listen to the community feedback inititative for raid design..
  15. BumblingB I got better.

    By far the thing that left the worst taste in my mouth for this DLC.
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  16. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    Its not tho, as far as i can tell this is in fact the worst system to date for base mods. Maybe im wrong or wasmt around for a worse way but this is the worst by a mile as far as i can tell.
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  17. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    Why? This crappy mod crafting system has nothing to do with those who hated the infinite bounty spams. The devs designed this on purpose not us. Its such a waste too because it took time an effort and resources to make it this way.... to make it miles worse than just putting them in a darn vendor.....
    Perhaps if the devs didnt try to force us into playing more they could put that effort and resource into raids instead.

    But either way, no one needs to thank the ones hating the spams for this crappy system. Thank the devs smfh
  18. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Overall it’s actually not a bad system. There are issues for sure but the system itself is not bad. For example, a simple QoL change to make the base items account bound would make it easier to transfers alts 40.0s and 40.1s over to one toon to craft. They could’ve also made the plans have a chance to drop from the on duty and loot cashes as an optional choice. Another change could also be the feats. The only reason it’s a big deal is because there are feats attached to it so people feel they HAVE to have them. Making it so you only need to get one of each or even removing the feats will make it so that you don’t have to get them. Instead you get them to get the buffs until the dlc is over.

    Other than that the system isn’t bad. Look at the modding system we had ages ago. Each piece of gear had to be modded individually. And to make eag mod you had to go out and get exo bits and exobytes. Then you made the mod you wanted. But there were also issues. You either had to wait to mod the last tier of gear per dlc or mod the dropped purple gear and remove the mod to redo the mod and put it in the new gear. To remove the gear you needed an item which didn’t restore the full mod cost and instead only gave you back a portion. If you wanted everything back you needed to spend money to get the special mod remover (forgot the name).

    And that was a full system. This was just a testing dlc for the system. So feedback could make it better. People in the game in general just want everything now now now. Them doing this just shows they wanted to test out crafting on a base level. Nothing wrong with that. If people just want the feats than guess what there’s no time limit to getting them. Either way this system isn’t actually as bad as people are making them out to be

    Edit: I wanted to add that I can understand why people are upset. It’s something they aren’t used to. I personally think the cost are to high for the plans. And the QoL changes I listed above are kinda needed in systems like this. So I get it. I’m not saying I’m a fan of it the way it is now. But I also don’t hate it.
  19. coldchilln88 Loyal Player

    No. There is nothing redeeming about this system. Its really bad. Its a mark sink. Its an overly complicated and convoluted system for no reason. There doesnt need to be tiered gen mods. Ever. Never should have been. Put the mods in the vendor or drop in content.
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  20. thedemonocus Loyal Player

    After seeing what you have to go through now to craft generator mods i decided i'm just not going to bother, i knew it was going to be bad and its even worse than i thought it would be, what were they thinking? I would rather go back to spamming bounties for generator mods than this garbage.
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