World up or down?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Thunderbolt, Feb 3, 2014.

  1. Thunderbolt Dedicated Player

    I'm only asking to make sure I'm not having a problem on my end. Home page says world is up but my login says it's down.
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  2. The BlackDragon Well-Known Player

  3. EconoKnight XIII Legion

    I was wondering this also. It is down for me.
  4. fightfriend Active Player

    yeah , still down
  5. SasquaT Dedicated Player

    Down for me as well :(
  6. fightfriend Active Player

    when it comes up please post a replay guys
  7. CntBeSrs New Player

    i havnt seen anything from the devs bout this long downtime for a restart...
  8. akaivy Dedicated Player

    Just as an FYI, usually people post on FB when the world comes back up (or goes down) and it's probably quicker than waiting for it to be posted here.

    Plus, it would probably help if you put what server you are on.
  9. fightfriend Active Player

    1h down time weird
  10. fightfriend Active Player

    btw im uspc server
  11. CntBeSrs New Player

  12. Thunderbolt Dedicated Player

  13. Yui Loyal Player

    USPC still down :(

    EDIT: USPC is up! :D
  14. Thanatos Charon New Player

    How about an update a quick statement as to why only the USPC server is still down?
  15. fightfriend Active Player

    world is up
  16. Fire Xion New Player

    USPC here still down
  17. EconoKnight XIII Legion

    You know those guys that say they do more before breakfast than you do all day?

    Well, Mepps hasn't had breakfast yet. ;)
  18. Yui Loyal Player

    It should be up now.
  19. fightfriend Active Player

    its up in here too im jumping in the game lol
  20. Thunderbolt Dedicated Player

    Yay, it's up