Working Out/Nutrition Guides

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by ZeroAccess, Apr 2, 2013.

  1. ZeroAccess New Player

    So basically I made a blog about working out and if anyone has watched Californication his descent into drugs and a busted sexual life is basically me except with food and working out. I'm a grown up I realize what foods are bad for me and what I need to do to live a healthy life yet I don't do it. It's enough to drive me mad.

    If anyone wants to see it that's the blog but basically it's just a lot of me whining, pissing, and moaning about life.

    I mean I can Google "nutrition guides" and find a plethora of information and like I said common sense comes into play here but sitting down and eating a medium pizza by myself and thinking it's all I've eaten today I should be ok isn't cutting it. I weight 295 lbs right now and want to get to a decent weight by my birthday August 6th so what are some people suggestions on how to do this?

    How do some of you stay motivated through hard times?

    Like I just got done doing a kickboxing class and i'm hurting but I'm so happy I did it I feel like I'm on cloud 9 except in need of some icyhot. How do you maintain that high?
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  2. Zizzi New Player

    I would recommend finding a buddy to workout with, but it can't be one that you know you might goof off with while you're working. It should be a partner that wants the same goal as you and is determined. I find that a little help and competition at the same time is great motivation for me.

    Personally, I love looking at myself in the mirror and thinking "I'm not as good-looking as I want to be right now, but I'm going to be F-ing amazing by summer/birthday/etc." Not sure if this would work but it helps give me that mental motivation and confidence.

    As for diet, take it step by step. What I did was to first eliminate all sodas/sugary drinks and replace with water. Then start eliminating the junk foods and oils. Start with chips, just don't buy them anymore. Now fries, donuts, etc. until you've taken most of the bad foods out of your diet.

    A combination of these things help me get my health/fitness results and motivate me, hopefully it can help you too :)
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