Work Not In Progress: Fire Balance(Unofficial)

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by TrueOlympus, Mar 17, 2014.

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  1. TrueOlympus New Player

    Hi all,

    The Devs are hard at work balancing all the other powers. I think instead of QQ'ing like I have been repeatedly its high-time, we start helping them out in regards to fire! Don't expect any of these changes to happen as a result of this particular thread - most definitely not all at once - but lets try to be up beat and as constructive as we can. Maybe we can pull of a miracle and actually get some changes done. Sorcery manged it!

    Please post your recommendations and suggestions below!

    P.S. This will be my first official "Buff Fire" thread. It is different from my "Fix Fire Revamp" threads
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  2. 478874 Dedicated Player

    Fire is fine as is. I once ran a t4 duo with a fire user and they seemed pretty beast. That would seem to indicate it's fine, player not the power, ya know? ;)

    Seriously, good endeavor, best of luck. Two words of advice, quit taking shots at the devs regardless as to how you feel and back up your claims with testing and numbers.
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  3. TrueOlympus New Player

    I thought about what you said, and agree, My shots at the Devs are much more subtle now! and don't worry about the numbers. I have much to show all in due time.

    P.S. none of the other W.I.P. have numbers.... but don't worry, Fire is use to having to go above and beyond to get anything done;)
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  4. Korlick Loyal Player

    Make Eternal Flame a regular move.
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  5. ApolloMystique New Player

    Flaming cascade needs to be 50% modifier, and animation needs to be faster...sort of like the soul blast sorcery has
  6. X-zero Loyal Player

    You must be from the future where there are T4 duos and fire is beast. I hope you are from the very near future. :)
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  7. ??? Well-Known Player

    Eternal Flame: Too situational for a 100% SC. Should be reduced to a 50%.
    Flame Cascade: Re value the damage, is pretty bad for a high tier power, and burning overwrite stronger fire dots, so no point using it.
    Mass detonation: Re value damage stats. Its outperformed by faster moves. For example, Dreadful blast, don´t require a power interaction, is faster, and hits harder. How Mass Det compete with this.
    Fireburst: Same case like mass detonation.
    Detonate: Damage from detonate was severly ninja nerfed with some of the latest update. Bring it back to it´s original state. Our only decent power was slacked off.
    Snuffout: The power is ok, but why not change it a bit. I would recommend instead of stunning/knocking on the 2nd tick, make it on the 1st tick.
    Enflame, Inferno, Overheat, Spontaneous Combustion:
    a) Animations are just too slow to setup, but hope this will be normalized soon as they stated.
    b) Dots are really weak and the biggest problem is, in order to refresh you need to make another complete rotation. I suggest to give wildfire the mechanic to refresh the dots, this would make at least achieve fire users to take a look at it.
    Burning determination: Why not step up the game mechanics. Some time before, when wildifre was casted, it used to give a HP % buff. Why not add this to Burning determination? Ice has WW to protect teammates, Earth can transfer damage to the pet. Why not give Burning determination a % HP team buff (since this mechanic was previously in another power, it can be done). This will make each tank have a different ability for PVP.

    The knockups / Knockdowns are inconsistent.

    Meteor: It owerwrites stronger dots, why should it be used when the damage itself is weak and slow to cast.
    Overheat: Make the effect prevail as spontaneous combustion. This will at least give us some time to manouver.
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  8. TrueOlympus New Player

    Will be giving an in-depth breakdown on what is wrong with immolation probably tomorrow night
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  9. OM3GA 4 New Player

    I'm on the playstation server and new to the forums, however i have been following along on the forums for quite some time. Spon. Comb. needs slighter higher ticks to stay in line with other DOTS from other powersets. Overheat needs it's PI fixed as I haved tested this for many hours and found no difference in damage besides the initial tick on the main target only. Finally, Fire tanking..... (sigh) we buff our health with pitiful self heals, please up the heals from either Stoke Flames or BD or Burnout.... I don't care just pick one! I have just a little over 23,000 HP when buffed and when i pop Burnout for example, i've received heals for 548, 717 and 344! i have just under 2000 DOM and 9590 base health....That's around 2.5%, hardly any good when end game content is hitting for 1-5k. Thanks Devs
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  10. TrueOlympus New Player

    Flame Cascade needs to be completely deleted. The power is so redundant that it makes me sick. Was useless in its first incarnation. Is useless now.

    Wild Fire should be changed into some completely different. A damn shame this move is just as useless as before post-revamp

    Fire's burning Dot should be stronger than burning Dots of other powers. Cause Logic.

    Meteor needs to be changed back. Or it needs to work like Light Weight (which is what the original revamp should have done)

    Overheat needs to get buffed properly due to immolation, as of now there is a bug that makes it so it does not get additional damage

    Inferno needs to grant immolation to the caster as well as any team members inside the radius of its AoE
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  11. Blue Spectrex New Player

    Yeah cause that wouldn't be OP at all.
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  12. Blue Spectrex New Player

    I hope something does happen to Fire to make it worthwhile again. I haven't logged my Fire alt in months and judging by the dev's silence, I won't be anytime soon. :(
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  13. Night hunterr Dedicated Player this like the 4th or 3rd fire thread today? By the same guy.....
  14. TrueOlympus New Player

    Not if you can count ;)
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  15. OM3GA 4 New Player

    Fire for Life! And maybe change Fiery Weapon into a % might buff instead of CRIT chance and CRIT damage, like a 45% might buff for 12 seconds... just a thought
  16. Night hunterr Dedicated Player

    There is a total of 4 of them. 2 of them are yours.....

    You really gotta calm down with all this fire stuff, kinda makes you look like a little kid who is having a fit. The devs are also gonna get tired of you at some point and are just gonna start ignoring you.
  17. Lord Aiden Well-Known Player

    Can we have mass d have some sort of consistent damage before factoring might. I mean if you have 3800 and some change might yet mass still bit for 1200 is just disgusting.
    I feel that flame cascade is a poor version of fireburst. I feel it should be removed or reworked to be worthwhile.
    Meteor. .. use to love casting it, watching it fall from the sky smashing ads and the picking it up and throwing it for more damage or a teammate throwing it to help spread the burning. PLEASE BRING IT BACK TO WHAT IT WAS.

    Our dots get overridden. When we do have dots active the ticks are not too high being that our might is now as high as it is.
    The range of fb sucks.
    I'm on my mobile so I'll post in depth later but let's keep it up fire players and maybe see a change.
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  18. TrueOlympus New Player

    Please post if you have something constructive to add to the feedback thread. and no, you didn't count correctly. You said there were 3 or 4 threads made by the same guy. You were wrong.

    Both of my threads are not about the same thing.

    This one is an unofficial fire suggestion thread
    The other one is asking why isn't there an official fire suggestion thread.

    The thread is not a repeat so your posts are invalid and non-constructive. Good day.
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  19. Lord Aiden Well-Known Player

    Or the devs will see that something is wrong. The squeaky wheel gets the oil. Fire needs to be looked at again. If anyone is truly honest about the fire revamp the would say that it just turned fire from a burning flame into a wet mess. We were put out by fire extinguisher that is the nerf hammer and just would like to be lit again
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  20. Night hunterr Dedicated Player

    1. You failed to read the post you just quoted because I stated that I counted 4 and 2 of them were yours.
    2. Both of your threads are the same or related to each other because they both involve fire.

    Fire is bound to get buffed soon but just give it time.
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