Wonderverse - What about Event Version players?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Ambassador of Krypton, Aug 3, 2020.

  1. Ambassador of Krypton Well-Known Player

    Hi guys, here's the thing: in my opinion the new dlc is not good for those players, like me, who only play the event version. I mean, we basically get gear from anything we do, open world missions and instances (which had never happened until now *I'm referring to the instances*). We can't choose not to get the gear and that makes us level up too fast and exceed the Event CR Relevacy, which will make it so that we'll not get Source Marks.
  2. Brit Loyal Player

    CR Relevency is valid for longer than the life of the Episode. Wonderverse will still be in full CR relevance when the next Episode comes out. You will still receive Source Marks, even if you are in full Grail Elite gear.

    The only way to outlevel the CR Relevancy would involve leveling at least 2 Episodes ahead. That would block it off for you. Of course, as soon as the next Episode is introduced, the Event version of this one goes away, so you would either be playing the regular versions or nothing at all.
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  3. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Whenever possible, choose the green gear. If there isn't any, set aside anything else for opening later if you can.

    That's been the best course of action I've found when it comes to scaling gear boxes and not having your CR advance quicker than you'd like.

    Of course, that's also why I'd love to see the option of choosing only the style instead of a piece of gear when opening scaling gear boxes, but that's another conversation. :D
  4. MidLifeCrysis41 Well-Known Player

    Or - you can simply choose gear, but not open it. The gear won’t register until you actually open it. I’ve tons put away for later! You can run it constantly and never change Cr if you choose. (If you’re just wanting feats etc)
  5. Gundraasi Well-Known Player

  6. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    A small matter to kind of nit pick .. You wrote and i quote:

    Now I don't know maybe you didn't have any alts below end game level back then but...

    Metal Part 2, Thanagar had three contacts that gave daily missions and rewarded currency and armor. It started with 1 and then moved on to 2 bounties that without using a replay were a weekly event and each of those handed out currency and armor. and anyone able to join them could run all the event instances and earn currency and armor.

    BOP had three contects that handed out daily missions and rewarded currency and armor. It also started with 1 bounty and then moved to 2 that weekly handed out currency and armor. And again even a 15 level (as an example) could run the event versions of everything from the solo challenge to the raid and get currency and armor drops.

    Metal Part1, Dark Gotham... Lets just get quicker exact same thing ALL the contacts in open world Daily or weekly) hand out currency AND gear plus you could do all the event raids, alert and duo and get gear and currency

    JL Dark... SAME SITUATION everything hands out gear and money

    That is going back to March of 2019 and every episode had had the same sort of reward format. Now yes if you are playing a character below end game that means you have a way to grab a lot more unatuned gear and raise your CR a lot faster. TRUST me I speak from experience I started a new alt at level 1 on July 9th .. as of last night I had that alt at CR 208 and I play 7 other ALT all with a combat rating above for 307 so I am NOT just logging that new guy on and playing all day every day. Oh and did I mention aside from opening up my orbital strike, buddy system and supply drops I didn't spend any source marks until I bought some gear from the vendro in the Riddled with Crime Episode.

    I think they sort of set it up hat way to let players move up faster and get to end game where the BIG crowd is located