Wonderverse TC

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by bobert0317, Jul 16, 2020.

  1. bobert0317 Active Player

    Can we get Wonder Woman brother Jason or Justice League Odyssey Darkseid style as the TC? It'll really tie in greatly to the episode. Plus we'll finally get a good male WW style from it.

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  2. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Interesting styles, but probably a bit late in the development cycle to ask for those now.
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  3. bobert0317 Active Player

    Yeah. I honestly thought we would've gotten some info regarding the TC by now so my hopes are still high at the moment.
  4. Capt Mephisto Active Player

    That Darkseid reminds me of Ronan the Accuser from "Guardians of the Galaxy" and I would prefer the more iconic DC version.
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  5. bobert0317 Active Player

    IMO Darkseid is one of the few characters who always gets a great design. Anyone of his designs is honestly welomcing at this point. The one I posted is just my favorite one so far.

    I never actually noticed how similar that design looked like Ronan until now.
  6. Controller Devoted Player

    SO MUCH this.

    PLEASE leave Darkseid alone...he needs little changing, IMO...

    I'd be perfectly fine copying his style and look from DWF, personally.

    And keep either the SAME voice actor OR if they must change it go with Michael Ironside OR Tony Todd.