Up-Votes Needed Wonderverse adaptive augments

Discussion in 'Arkham Asylum (Bug Reports)' started by Arkenra, Aug 4, 2020.

  1. Arkenra Well-Known Player

    Might be only on my character, but i got 2 level 23 adaptive wonderverse augments which would lower Grail her damage done by her omega execute by 30% (2x15%) which would make it survivable even with 1. Players from my league are surviving with only 1 on level 23. I haven’t tried it yet by putting just 1 augment instead of 2 because most players will have 2 lv23 ones in the near future and will bump into the same problem. But anyhow, when i’m getting hit by Grail’s omega execute, it hits me for my full health and i’m dead. I don’t think this is working like intended and therefor needs to be looked at.