Wm imbalances ruin mmo

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Saiyan King, Dec 31, 2014.

  1. Saiyan King New Player

    Why are there only 3 good wm combos for dpsing? 1Hb into explosive shot 2 dw into explosive shot 3 2h into arrow storm. Every other wm needs adjusted and the might hit should scale
  2. RoxyStormbringer Dedicated Player

    Those combos are chosen, because they are short and are nice AoEs. People don't want a 4 hold attack, unless they are burst only. Each successive hit does more damage, so the longer the combo the more damage you get.
  3. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    I've seen a fantastic Earth DPS obliterate everybody's damage out using Bow's Explosive Shot into Dual Pistol's Auto Fire. Seems to me it's more about the player and how you spec than imbalance amongst the combos.
  4. Little Sister New Player

    lol another dps topic.
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  5. King Felsa New Player

    The reason the longer weapon mastery combos aren't used is because there is a severe cap on its dps potential. When you do a weapon mastery combo, your damage is very specific to your precision and crit stats. Time plays no factor in a weapon mastery combo. With a shorter combo, you're able to use animation clipping to fit more damage in roughly the same amount of time.

    There is also the issue with how long Power Interactions last. Longer weapon combos result in less ability attacks before needed to reapply the PI. With Shield into Magnum Round, you can only use one ability before having to set up your PI again. Lots of wasted damage there.

    Edit: Before WM, real dps was based on timing and effort. Now, it's a relatively dull, motionless procedure. Some of the best dps this game ever had quit as a result.
  6. Saiyan King New Player

    So we all agree longer combos should be buffed.
  7. COMBATICUS Dedicated Player

    I can promise u one hand is no longer best. First and foremost they need to look at wm period. I don't get why long range wm weapons are way OP compared to melee ones and yet melee got nerfed yet again. Since the raids these days cater to HB, rifles, dw, bow anythin melee is laughable compared to other wm. Idk why they always do that