With the new PS4 Share feature...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by C3alix, Sep 12, 2013.

  1. C3alix Committed Player

    ...how about a CamBot? Say you're about to do a raid/pvp and you want one of your league mates to record you or your league's actions. Instead of adding them to the instance as a player, how about adding them to the instance in a cam slot (8 total players plus 2 cam slots per group)? Upgrade the usage of the 25th Century trinket and give it two extra features:

    Auto Record - does whatever the hell it wants to as long as it's close to the group
    Manual Control - a player either in your league or a player you're allowing to use it has the ability to control it with multiple functions

    Obviously, it can't be detected by ads and bosses, BUT in pvp instances players should be allowed to attack it, but not able to knock it out!

    I had been thinking about this for a while because I would love to create some stupid DCUO vids and upload them to youtube.
  2. the solowing Steadfast Player

    wouldnt it be easier to put a option on your friends list, if that friend is in a arena they just need to add a "join as spectator" mode for first person and the ps4 can handle the rest