I swear... whoever wrote the lines for Larfleeze in this game is a genius. The things that comes out of his mouth are hilarious.... I'm just curious as to all the things he's been on record saying for this winter seasonal. Anybody? Off the top of my head: Research Instance: 1) The LOTR reference about his "precious rings" 12 Days feat: 1) Wanting to kidnap Santa Clause and his elves....
Look at this present, it says Little Trudi on it. IT MUST BE ME.. just misspelled my name.. I'm dying everytime I hear that lol.
^^^^ Next year I want a style piece like the big button from the Joker outfit. But this will be a big name tag saying My Name is Little Judy Larfleeze (in orange)
heard two new more: 1 ) Santa welshed me! So I will TAKE IT ALL! 2) Oh what glee... it is to see... this tasty winter haul.