Will the green lantern metropolis be unbottled?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Smart Bomb, Aug 3, 2013.

  1. Smart Bomb Well-Known Player

    Title says it all, will the dlc 9 green lantern version of metropolis be unbottled - ive been dying to stand on the top of the daily planet building since launch and get a picture of my character on there :) can anyone at soe ask them if they can or can a dev answer here maybe :) would be great to finally be able to visit these iconic locations properly.
  2. MercPony Devoted Player

    I am hoping so myself :)
    I actually want to see the Daily Planet building and not just look at it through a bottle lol
  3. tukuan Devoted Player

    I would think so. The feeling I got from the cast is that it's the same underlying resources (so they don't have to spend time developing a totally new city) but slanted toward the given content.

    As an aside I know everyone homes in on the Daily Planet, but having recently done the exploration feat on an alt I was reminded of just how much is in South Gotham. If you sit on the Brainiac bottle and look at the buildings underneath there's a considerable amount of content there to be utilized. Iceberg Lounge, Wayne Tech building, Clock tower, GCPD building and so on.
  4. Statman New Player

    I hope it's undestroyed too, or destroyed in different areas.

    I've always hoped that one day the Brainiac version of Gotham and Metropolis would be instances, so we could have a perfect version of the cities just there for us to look at, lol.
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