Why this haven´t been mentioned in GU28 threads by the Pro´s?

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by The M, Jul 5, 2013.

  1. The M New Player

    A tank buff last 12 seconds, once debuffed, it last for the duration. So, the tank is debuffed all time.

    A HOT is debuffed from a healer, it last 12 seconds, so is debuffed all the time.

    A controller POT´s last 25 seconds, is only debuffed 12 seconds, so he is needed 2x the power to debuff it.

    Do you guys think this is balanced? Share your opinion
  2. Madholm New Player

    it's balanced on effect, not duration........ not sure how you can so easily overlook that fact..... and also the fact that of all the roles controller is the one role consistently listed as underpowered by the player
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  3. Dirty Fred New Player

    Hmmmm... i got an idea! Que up & find out ^^ !
  4. Trinidad James Loyal Player

    Wheres the thumbs down button?
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  5. MARK2099 New Player

    Is not even balanced dps after GU28, those debuffs should not be as strong as counter role debuff, should be 50% weaker, those debuffs gonna throw the balanced in arenas (arenas never were balanced but this gonna leave in worse situation), especially this gonna give a huge advantage to dps in 1v1, if dps could be debuff then should be much more balanced.
  6. Gwalir Loyal Player

    Since a DPS's buff is the damage modifier from using powers, and any role can cause them to lose that modifier by stunning or countering them, isn't that a debuff? After all, anyone can take their buff away.
  7. Larfleeze New Player

    It's not going to give DPS a huge advantage in 1v1 because no DPS in their right mind is going to take 3/6 powers specifically for debuffing.

    And you can't really "debuff dps" because the only buffs DPS have are more damage, which fluxuates all over the place, and is added by ANY POWER WE USE, as opposed to PoT or HoT or tank shielding which are only specific powers. Not to mention that if you want to "debuff dps" all you have to do is block, knock-down, stun, snare, root, avoid them, or any other myriad of ways to drop their counter. You can't do that with any of the other 3 roles buffs.
  8. Itazuki New Player

    It's going to give DPS the advantage more so than the other roles, even more than a Controller. So I don't think people are as worried about Controlling now and more about DPS getting the boost.

    The BEST choice for 1v1 right now is to play DPS role. (Well after GU28). What you do is take all three debuffs and only put one on your loadout. Whenever you see the next role you're against you quickly switch to the appropriate debuff and now you have the advantage. Here's your advantage over the roles as a DPS after debuffing them.

    ~ Debuff a Tank: The Tank becomes a DPS player that has no damage modifiers and lower Prec/Might stats (More Toughness but that will get overridden by the huge damage boost the DPS will have easily.)

    ~ Debuff a Healer: You'll cut their Resto down and having them healing at much lower numbers, which in turn will make them have to use more heals which will burn their power down very fast. Unless the Healer has damage powers(lots don't carry many) you'll have to only worry about them countering you. Which still isn't that bad since their damage is so low anyways.

    ~ Debuff a Controller: This one is not as drastic, though you still have the advantage. You'll take away their shields, which Controllers are famous for. You'll also cut their Vit down making them only gain half the usual power per tick of PoT. The Controller will stand a chance and not be hurting from this too badly, though with your huge damage modifiers... You'll beat them out if you're any good.

    I've tried it on Test and really.. After GU28 I'm switching to DPS role. Farming my DPS gear now and making the move, there's really no reason to stay with Healer role unless you really need to for Premade fights and can afford to buy huge bulks of serums to cleanse yourself.
  9. Gwalir Loyal Player

    You left out:

    ~ Debuff a DPS: Countering or Stunning a DPS causes them to lose their modifier and become a DPS with more Might/Prec than others, but less Toughness or the inability to Heal or Restore Power

    I do think thought they should make it so each Movement Tree also includes a self-cleanse as well to balance things up though. That way if a Healer gets debuffed by a Tank using a Movement power, he'd be able to cleanse it himself using another Movement power.
  10. Itazuki New Player

    The difference is, the DPS can gain his modifier back in a couple seconds. While the other roles will be debuffed for 10 seconds. The debuffing powers have a cooldown of 2-3 seconds. So the support roles will be debuffed the entire match, while a DPS will get debuffed for a couple seconds here or there?

    That's not balance.
  11. Gwalir Loyal Player

    That's why I also mentioned that they should give us a self-cleanse as well. That way a DPS can use a power to reestablish his damage modifier, while a Healer can use a power to get back his full healing ability.