Why The Time Limit On Editing Posts?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by The Con, Dec 1, 2022.

  1. The Con Dedicated Player

    I.... even I.... will make a misteak in a post... but, won't discover the error until after a half hour goes by...

    Or maybe I might later see a criticism that I made was too harsh and would like to take it back.. but can't because time is a cruel mistress.


  2. Ozman Well-Known Player

    Mmm, steak.
    • Like x 2
  3. Empress_Orana Well-Known Player

    Grizzly Adam’s DID have a beard.
  4. The Con Dedicated Player

    Good movie reference.
  5. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    "I think there has been a mistake."
    ..."Did you just say steak?"
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  6. Cyclonic Dedicated Player

    It's mostly to prevent overly argumentative weirdos like yourself from going back and rewriting a history where you are "victorious".

    You need to be "clamped" to protect you from yourself, basically.
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  7. The Con Dedicated Player

    You might wanna clean that mirror of yours off.... It's covered in unself-aware hypocrisy.
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  8. Hraesvelg Always Right

    I'd support this only if there were publically a way to see previous versions/revision histories of the post. Most of the time typos and the like would be OK, but if someone goes into a thread with a particularly dumb hot take, then tries to edit his/her way into looking like the victor, well...no. That's why it's there in the first place.
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  9. The Con Dedicated Player

    Maybe it's because I don't have to rewrite history to be victorious... I usually just am. :cool:....


    How does one rewrite history in a post in the past to claim "victory" in the present?

    It seems like more paranoia than practical.

    Usually if someone is arguing with someone else, their responses are already quoted in the replies. They can't change those.
  10. Cyclonic Dedicated Player

    You used a lot more words than necessary to say "no u". I think you might be spending a little too much time with Reinfeld.
  11. The Con Dedicated Player

    No harm... but, in this thread... Only you are being the weirdo that you claim others to be... and name-dropping others that you don't apparently like(agree with) who haven't even commented here...

    ...Doesn't really help you look to be the sane one.
  12. The Con Dedicated Player

    And if you harbor such resentment from that other thread... that you feel the need to carry it over to here..

    That might be a sign that you really can't claim to be "victorious" there, either. :D

    No editing required.
  13. Proxystar #Perception

    Just don't say things you regret then you don't need to edit anything more than spelling errors ;)

    By the way this weekend I'm having an org... nevermind :D
  14. The Con Dedicated Player

    ...an transplant? Brain, I hope. :p


    I might regret that joke in 35 minutes.:oops:

    It's human nature to say things we might want to take back... We all cross lines at some point.
  15. Proxystar #Perception

    I guess you've already forgotten.
  16. The Con Dedicated Player

    I'm at the point I gotta write my name on my underwear so I'll remember it...

    I just gotta hope I grab the right ones.. or make sure that the girl doesn't mind me going by her name for the day...

    ....which I guess implies that she has to write her name in hers... I'm gonna bail on this joke, now...

    Seriously, tho, is this a bit that I forgot about? Ya gotta remind me.
  17. BumblingB I got better.

    I wish I could go back and edit my posts as well. Usually they get riddled with spelling/writing errors. Like there, their, they're. lol I also have a nasty habit of leaving the apostrophe "T" off of contractions, reversing what I actually meant.

    There is a difference between CAN and CAN'T. ;)
    • Like x 1
  18. Proxystar #Perception

    This is true.

    A can is a vessel, usually made of metal to hold something, usually liquid or food

    A can't (pronounced can-ty) is when someone is being described as cheerful.

    :) :)
  19. Proxystar #Perception

    Um.... awkward, alrighty then.
  20. BumblingB I got better.

    Can-ty...? This is a New Zealand thing, isn't it?