Why PvP Is a ''Connection fight.''

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by WнуѕOѕєяιoυ5, Aug 9, 2015.

  1. WнуѕOѕєяιoυ5 Well-Known Player

    Why PvP is so much depend on Internet connection?
    Why dcuo pvp is like who get better ping is faster/smoother?
    I remember a days where there was no problems with ''ping'' no delays in arena/duels. I'm talking about times Pro7Sat.1. Atm the ms make difference ingame combat.. for me the weapon animation are slow, or can't breakout i need tap ''shift'' a few times. I just tell it hits me only in dcuo, if i play other games everything is good. So is this my internet or is the dcuo server problems?
  2. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    Pretty sure this is every online game ever created.
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  3. WнуѕOѕєяιoυ5 Well-Known Player

    For sure, but in dcuo it makes huge difference, even 1 mistake decide about win, duels/arena are too quick for react n vice versa;)
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  4. LadyLightning Issue Tracker Volunteer

    I'm pretty sure all FP shooters are like that too. DCUO is closer to a shooter than a classic mmorpg in its PvP combat.
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  5. Grvv Redwig Well-Known Player

    Counter punishment is too heavy..
  6. Yallander Loyal Player

    It wasn't always like this, there was a time that players actually had to know mechanics, teamwork, and communicate. Now its just (insert OP power rotation) until target dies--rinse and repeat. But since the devs obviously don't want our feedback its pretty safe to assume the current direction is what they feel is the correct pace of PVP.
  7. WнуѕOѕєяιoυ5 Well-Known Player

    AMvAM this is how pvp works now, PvP becomes one big spam like pve but u need be more careful, i see every second guy using am in pvp ''most hl''. We need play how this game work like cpu, we can't fight our own way like before, everything is based on the advanced mechanic, this is not like games mmo rpg works.
  8. Swiftduck Loyal Player

    you just described every online game ever made.
  9. ThePhilosophy Loyal Player

    PVP was much more fun and fluid for me when I was hardwired and had 50/20 internet. But now I'm on wifi and have 20/5. It sucks.
  10. Clutchmeister Loyal Player


    You think that's bad? Try having to play on that connection overseas for every tournament, I'd give my left nut for 20/5 connection.
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  11. Grand Shaw Loyal Player

    That has to do with Advanced Mechanics being out of whack, not connection speed. Not to mention in duels PvE gear is way stronger than PvP gear.
  12. TheWhiteFace New Player

    Then people on USPS complain that you're using PvP gear, therefore, having an "unfair advantage" when you win. Fun times.
  13. ThePhilosophy Loyal Player

    Is this a thing? Anytime you fight another player, one should be in PVP gear......That is why there is PVE gear and PVP gear.
  14. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    You will be surprised. People complain about players using PvP gear in duels.
  15. WнуѕOѕєяιoυ5 Well-Known Player

    It's true that Pve gear is stronger than Pvp. It's because our dear devs left behind pvp content, there already should be pvp gu to balance n fix. Pve set shouldn't affect in duels at all, there should be a special spot where u do dueling only in pvp gear, not in open world imo because it mix pve/pvp together. It's about separate
  16. WнуѕOѕєяιoυ5 Well-Known Player

    Give me name of the game where happens the same. I will try to check this out immediately
  17. Sabigya Steadfast Player

    Try playing any shooter with high ping vs an enemy with a low ping and tell me how that goes.
  18. WнуѕOѕєяιoυ5 Well-Known Player

    Please read with understanding,i said before it hits me only in dcuo if i play other games there is no problems.Dcuo is mmo not fps game ;)

  19. Clutchmeister Loyal Player

    That's cute, try playing street fighter against someone overseas. Infact some street fighter pros refuse to play online at all, even if their opponent lives a mile away. Latency has an enormous effect on that game.
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  20. WнуѕOѕєяιoυ5 Well-Known Player

    I played sf,tekken,mk and fps - cod,cs,moh,bf and many others. I know how much connection does make a difference in such a games it was always like that and will remain. Sometimes is just caused by internet provider a sometimes by our modem,cable,infacted pc,there may be many reasons of it. I want to simply know why somebody who don't had problems before playing dcuo,gets them in the game right now? I am from eupc and despite the fact that there is not a large population, i have delays? a little strange do not you think? I'm not the only one who has the same problem,I write on behalf of all of those are affected by the same problem.So please explain to me why this is happening? Why the difference pings hits in pvp so much? dcuo is full of ping difference and ppl fighting like (Faster vs Slower).

    I am talking about ''mmorpg'', you give compared dcuo to fighting games and @Sabigya to fps games, but nobody give me a mmorpg game where similar situations exist.