Why No Mad Hatter?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Alba Eclipta, Mar 26, 2015.

  1. Alba Eclipta Committed Player

    Yea... Um... Why no Mad Hatter content? Would be nice to see what content creators could come up with. Would also like to see Hugo Strange. At least as some slightly different bounties or solos.


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  2. Vesper Dedicated Player

    Mad Hatter......

    Obviously the ultimate Big Bad at the end of the 3 current DLCs:

    War of the Light: Manipulating Emotions and warping sense of reality
    Amazon Fury: Manipulating feelings of fear and retribution, inciting hallucinations of manifestations of old Greek gods
    Halls of Power: Manipulating paranoia with home invasions and zombie hordes.

    Everything is just pawns on a chessboard, with Mad Hatter moving the pieces.
  3. Teldon New Player

    I am going with the default answer of, "Satan?"
  4. Alba Eclipta Committed Player

    Trigon? Or do you mean the other horned Ifrit?
  5. Teldon New Player

    Let's go with Trigon. That way we can have a team up between the two!
  6. ChuckLess New Player

    Only if they also include the crazy little mouse that need jam rubbed on his nose to calm him down!
  7. Alba Eclipta Committed Player

    I feel like that's being racist against mice, tho.
  8. Ankh_Legacy Devoted Player

    There was a Mad Hatter fan on the forums in the early years that use to ask for this from time to time.

    If a spot for him can be found sure lets go Mad :D.
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  9. Teldon New Player

    So a trilogy with those three inspired by an LSD trip courtesy of Mad Mod?
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  10. Miggly Committed Player

    Mad Hatter seems to be the only character to have a presence in the promotion of the game, but no presence in the game itself. They have him as an avatar here, he is mentioned in the motion comic in the game that is narrated by Penguin (also only one mentioned in the motion com that still has not appeared), I have seen some artwork for him online that is suppose to be from the devs.

    I hope he does appear soon in the game.
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  11. ChuckLess New Player

    No, it's racist against jam! Star Sapphire Jam at that!

  12. Vesper Dedicated Player

    He's been rendered, but never used. So sad.

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  13. Teldon New Player

    I THINK that he was planned for some of the dlc that was to come out when the game first launched. Though when the game went free to play and they switched dlc models they abandoned it. I really wish they would devote an update or a trilogy to closing up those old storylines for Two Face, Catwoman, and Penguin. Would not hurt to do something with Toyman as well.
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  14. Alba Eclipta Committed Player

    Can't we all just get along?
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  15. Miggly Committed Player

    I miss Roddy McDowall doing the voice of Mad Hatter on Batman: TAS. He was perfect.
  16. Forsaken Mentalist Well-Known Player

    When they announced serums he was the one that popped into my mind. What with all his fancy teas that gave him different powers.

    I'd like to see him. An alert or raid in a twisted version of "his" wonderland. Saving some poor blonde girl with the misfortune of being named Alice.
  17. DarkSyde79 Loyal Player

    I wouldn’t be surprised if we see the second announced new DLC trilogy following the upcoming Superman, Kryptonians and Brainiac one possibly revisiting the Gotham Gang Wars storyline.

    If this is the case, I wouldn’t be surprised if we see Batman Rogues that have been neglected in existing content that have model from pre-launch.

    That said, there is a continued push for a Thrones of Atlantis DLC trilogy and while it would be naive of me to say that our suggestions matter, I wouldn’t be surprised if that idea is pushed to the forefront over what would be thought to be perceived as “more Batman content”.
  18. WildPegasusrs Dedicated Player

    There are also audio files already there for him:

    It'd be neat to have some content with him released with a Mind Control powerset as well.
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  19. chipzes Committed Player

    They can keep him locked up in some archive and never bring him to live servers imo. I hate that little ugly idiot.
  20. WildPegasusrs Dedicated Player

    But he'll MAKE you like him :p