Why is it time traveler in still 87 shouldnt all purples be 88?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by RJTally31, Aug 20, 2013.

  1. RJTally31 Active Player

    The update only gave Traces of time gear the 88 bump not the time traveler gear
  2. WockaFlockaPhil Dedicated Player

    Yeah, my purple dual wields are equal to Wave loot. Kinda sucks to be honest.
  3. darkmoon caverns New Player

    Only wave loot is upgraded. It has nothing to do with the style or color.
  4. PurpCity New Player

    Not true. My Traces in Time belt which I got from Nexus was bumped up to 88.
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  5. darkmoon caverns New Player

    It's in the patch notes.
  6. Brice Allen Loyal Player

    Well either the Patch Notes are wrong or they up'd too many pieces of Traces 88;).
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  7. darkmoon caverns New Player

    They're probably going to release another patch and revert those back. Then we'll see alot of QQ threads "I DELETED MY WAVE GEAR! NOOOOOOO!"
  8. Golden Shadow New Player

    yeah they defiantly need to get this adjusted, all of my 87 time traveler pieces stayed 87 and i acquired each from paradox but the 87 belt I got in nexus is now an 88 cr item also my 87 dw's caught the shaft why would they make loot from dox go to 87^ when all weapons and gear pieces don't drop there :/
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  9. Tikkun Loyal Player

    I hope this is true. My only purple came from Nex. I have quite a few Paradox pieces that will be bumped when I get home. Can't wait to see my stats.
  10. RJTally31 Active Player

    I got the Time Traveler waist from Paradox wave and Traces of Time Waist from Nexus the Time gear when to 88 and the Traveler is still the same
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  11. Brice Allen Loyal Player

    Man you guys are quick. lol...I didn't even have time to re-edit my post after proof reading it before two of you quoted me. :p
  12. Golden Shadow New Player

    just because it's in the patch notes doesn't mean they followed through with what was stated, they said all 86 & 87 paradox gear would be increased 1 cr. I can guarantee you that is false my 87 time traveler hands and waist are my proof.
  13. WhiteW0lf Devoted Player

    I dont know about the gear bump because I didn't have any. Best weapon I've seen so far is level 83. I did however see a piece of time traveler gear drop in the solos today that I was shocked to see. We all knew the traveler helmet dropped in the solos right? Well today I got a piece of time traveler shoulders in the bizzaro mission that was item level 83. Did anybody else know that these could drop there?
  14. darkmoon caverns New Player

    That means it's a bug that will most likely get fixed....duh.
  15. Golden Shadow New Player

    yes i have the full set
    healm-huntress solo
    shoulders- bizzaro
    waist & hands- paradox
    legs & feet - nexus
    chest- BIA
    Back- Family
  16. Savage Mind Committed Player

    It's dcuo. The patch notes are always wrong.
  17. Whizzkid Dedicated Player

    Perhaps Time Traveler Purples are meant to stay 87 and the whole Traces set bumped to 88? Also, the 86 pieces I got from Paradox got bumped to 87. 100CR now :D
  18. Aqua Surge Loyal Player

    This is a glitch. My trace legs and time traveler gear did not get the update.
  19. Tikkun Loyal Player

    Oh lookie who stopped lurking. Good to hear my shiny pants should be 88 then. You know, I didn't even realize you made the thread haha.
  20. ObsidianChillSucks New Player

    I created a bug report for it https://forums.station.sony.com/dcu...x-gear-didnt-change-1-cr.168938/#post-1968038 there are other examples of loot not getting the correct +1 cr bump where other items did. As far as the patch notes go only wave loot got the upgrade and traces in time gear is split 4/4 between nexus and paradox so 1/2 should not have recieved the upgrade. Time Traveller is split 2/2 so those should have been upgraded as well.