Why Is DLC 9 So Light on Feats?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by MrMigraine, Jan 29, 2014.

  1. Radium Devoted Player

    Even getting all collections briefings and investigations would be a good one, just like DLC3.
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  2. Burnt New Player

    YAYYYY, we got mist feats now!!! :D
  3. CharlieFantom Well-Known Player

    For myself, I could care less. I've no more interest in the grind aspect of this game. If I should happen apon a feat, great. Not actively searching them out anymore. Honestly, this game needs a new direction and fresh prespective at the helm. Its been 3 years and were still playing the same game with no new innovations.
  4. Whiteroom New Player

    "This game needs to be different!"

    In, what way? What innovations? Even a hint in the direction? No? Just different from now?

    Honestly, that is some bad criticism right there. Not even a hint at the stale parts, or what area of the game needs innovation.
  5. Green Lantern New Player

    LOL I was just looking at the 10 Toyman Challenges feat in my list still waiting to be done. It never will be. You're right, those missions are horrid.
  6. CharlieFantom Well-Known Player

    Since you asked. How about something other than attack this group guarding this switch, pick this up, carry this here. Honestly, its not my job to game design. Am I supposed to provide their imagination? It's clear the design of the game is set as a cost and time effective measure that doesn't measure up to a monthy fee after 3 years. As I have suggested, it is time for new leadership in this games direction. I don't see possible, at this point any new innovation from this team. That is what I suggest.
  7. Derio 15000 Post Club

    At least they are adding 5 new feats so I wont be completely bored for 4 months.
  8. Nekron 99 Loyal Player

    People make puns without realizing at first then realize after the fact that there is a pun there so they say pun unintended because they didn't intend to make a pun when they initially said it, but now realize it is in fact a pun.

    Just being aware that a pun existed doesn't mean it was intended.