Why I'm excited for 98 drops in raids

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Furling, Feb 2, 2015.

  1. Furling Well-Known Player

    Of course, I'm more excited for 100 and 101 drops. But, I'm loving this more than extra marks because of:



    Alts - After leveling 2 new alts up to T6, you really hit a wall in the 100-106 grind. Because, the HOP raids and alerts only occasionally drop gear. I ended up with lots of extra marks for a tier I basically wanted to skip to get to end-game content. If I had got 93 drops from the raids at least I would have had something useful.

    Off-role - If people still haven't geared up their off-role, here's one more gift from the devs to finally do it, and be viable in end-game content.

    I'd much rather have 98 drops than extra marks.
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  2. Derio 15000 Post Club

    I would rather have the extra symbols.

    99 gear is vendor gear, and most likely if you get a 100-101 drop from the raid, you are going to buy the vendor gear style for your off role.

    98 gear is good for all raids except throne of the dead elite version. Because being in the elite raid and beating it, only to get 98 gear, well that is a huge slap in the face
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  3. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    What happens when you receive your 9th waist whilst trying to get your 1st Chest or Legs?

    DLC13 will be no different from DLC12, 11, 9 or 7. There will still be pieces of gear that you will struggle to receive due to their low drop rates and you'll be pulling your hair out when you keep seeing the same pieces drop.
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  4. MetalMario Loyal Player

    Or you can just buy the vendor gear if you're unlucky and not stress out about it. I have basically a full vendor set on my main from the most recent dlc, despite beating the raid at least once per week. It shouldn't be that bad this one since there will be 3x more opportunities for drops.
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  5. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    Here is my thoughts...I know I will be flamed for this, but oh well..

    Alerts drop 97 gear that is equal to prior vendor gear.
    Raids drop 97 gear with a rare chance of dropping 98.
    Elite Raid drops 98 gear with a rare chance of dropping 99 - the 99 dropped gear is better than the 99 vendor gear.
    Vendor gear is 99.

    That leaves 100 gear for T7.

    But we all know that the elite few will have full 101 by the end of this week or pretty close to it. Replay I know is a $$$ making machine for DCUO but it killed the grind to slowly get gear in this game and made the elite group even more so as they will spend the $$$ to get the gear. Theere are those of us who will not spend the money but grind for it the old way to gear up our toons.
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  6. BumblingB I got better.

  7. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    You'd think so, right? Yet you need to remember that the developers set the odds. Sure, there'll be 9 opportunities for gear compared to the 3 in Love and War, but they'll take that into consideration when deciding the drop rates. Basically, all 3 raids combined will have a similar drop rate overall to Love and War.

    Level 98 gear is a complete red herring. It isn't going to resolve anything. It's filler gear that only pads out the loot tables. It's completely useless and irrelevant because you can get a piece of 98 gear of your choosing by completing the solo mission which takes maybe 10 minutes to complete.
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  8. ACW37162 Loyal Player

    The most recent 3 raid DLC with raid gear drops being better either slightly or in this case by 1 or 2 cr points was HoP, the drop rates in that DLC make me cry. I still have not hit the chest piece to drop from Lockdown.

    I'm not entirely stressed about it but I'm not excited either. Ever since they switched to unattuned drops the gear and drop rates are pedestrian and nothing that gets me excited.

    Edit: it will be nice to run raids and works on my salvage feats tho as I still have to work on those.
  9. guardzman New Player

    If you are not getting gear to drop then the marks that fall should be better maybe 25% of best available cost. Perhaps even have an exchange for gear to marks .
  10. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    me I will replay the new content I have roughly 500+ replays to use as soon as it drops.

    so I will be doing the alerts til Im full 98 then doing raids til Im full 99/100 and then trying my elite raid if I have done the expert raid
  11. Smart Bomb Well-Known Player

    I usually buy vendor for my dps and use drops for my controller role, I've found it easier to pug that way.
  12. BigDaddyDru New Player

    Obviously, if you intend to get the best gear from this DLC like I do, you're not going to waste any PRECIOUS time or money in ANYTHING but Throne of the Dead.

    Labyrinth of Lost Souls, Halls of Hades, great Raids. Love the mechanics and the excitement these Raids will bring along with their interesting feats. But, the bottom line is that I want the best gear in the game. Therefore, starting on Day 1, Throne of the Dead is the ONLY Raid to reset.... PERIOD!

    Additionally, it is worth noting that once Regular Throne is 2nd nature to me and my people, then obviously Regular Throne will become obsolete just like Labyrinth and Halls of Hades. At that point, the Elite Raid is the ONLY thing worth reseting... PERIOD!

    Plan your gearing up strategy wisely and ensure you follow it consistently and you will see results. Make sure the proper people are with you at all times and purge your Raids of any Incompetence who dares to step foot in them.

    Happy playing!