why don't the devs just make how to YouTube videos?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by SKAVANGER408, May 21, 2014.

  1. SKAVANGER408 New Player

    I like the input guys. Hopefully a DEV will chime in here and let us know if there's anyway to help the newer players. Maybe this will bring up the community skill level and we can get some harder content going.
  2. Archangel Rafael New Player

    I've never found that google or other search engines get good hits in digging into these forums for keywords. Forum posts too deep within sitemap to get good scores I guess.

    You really think youtube videos would do much good over a wiki-ish website? I kinda don't think so. As you say there are plenty of guides right here on the forums. Not difficult to search through using the internal search. A wiki site would work better for searching etc but the forums are currently available. Forum guides havebeen here the whole time.

    I figure that the ignorance of that certain section of players is caused by laziness or disinterest in learning the intricacies of the combat mechanics. Some people just want to play a video game and aren't interested in a complex analysis of "core strength" vs. "penetrating strikes" etc.

    I think a more efficient, quicker and easier to use website is much more functionally useful that a bunch of videos. Like you said, those videos have a lot of fluff. My complaint exactly. Imagine a huge plethora of those videos on a myriad of tutorial subjects in a huge, disorganized youtube playlist. That all says unuseable pain-in-the-A to me.

    its not like a wiki site is inaccessible, everybody knows how to use the web and is familiar with the workings of a wikia.

    The cons of a comprehensive set of videos dramatically outweigh the single presented "pro" which is apparently that "some people don't like to read". Other than that, videos have nothing to recommend them and several inferiorities compared with adding a tutorial wikia to the dcuniverseonline site that is already in operation.

    wikia vs. youtube pros/cons:
    pros : faster & easier to search and reference, quicker to glean info sought, more organized, efficient, succinct (as opposed to superfluous/fluff), cheap for SOE, wiki cross-linking allows explorative research, much less resources to create & maintain, wholly owned and controlled by SOE, some people don't like to watch youtube videos / some people learn better frorm reading than by watching videos.

    cons : some people don't like to read / some people learn better by watching video than reading

    it seems a pretty clear choice to me.

    either way though, I believe that the problem of players who don't know the mechanics won' be solved by either of these. The people who don't learn to play aren't motivated to study the game for one reason or another. That stays the same whether videos or website. In-game tutorials I think really would help since they would somewhat force a player to learn and because they are embedded in the game. People would almost have to learn without putting any out-of-game effort into it. In-game tutorials also work better because the gamers want to game, not study. So we're using their natural motivations to our advantage rather than working against them.

    looking up tutorials outside the game, be it on wiki-site or youtube, requires extra effort and motivation. Some players don't have an interest in that and I think that is where the problem lies.
  3. SirMuttonChops New Player

    The problem is that this exists: DCUO

    I thought you meant a site made specifically for something a long the lines of guides. A wiki page, to me, is a research-style resource. In my mind, it works like Wikipedia does, where you go look for a page and then you see "PoT" and now you click that and it talks about "Power Over Time" and then you see the "Double PoT-Tick" and there's another page of reading...

    A site made specifically for guides, that to me sounds more feasible, but still my argument stands that even with everyone in a single place for them to find, they don't. People watch YouTube videos for their load outs and how to do things, IF they leave the game. The written guides for this game are a LOT less popular because they are written. I mean, how many people actually read the interview with Jens when role buffs were first going to be introduced, and it was called something along the lines of "DCUO Solves the age old question of: Where is the healer?" Player Spotlights? Player Panels for SOE Live? Very few people know about these things regardless of how prevalent they are made on the forums. And it comes down to the difference between research and entertainment for a video game.
  4. Thewoe Well-Known Player

    They busy making DLC ;)
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  5. Archangel Rafael New Player

    oh wow. Ok that site you linked is definitely not what I had in mind. I too was thinking of what you describe later.

    Im saying they could add an info/tutorial wiki to the official page (here). By making something that is official, always correct, clear and concise, well organized, not cluttered with adverts and totally dedicated to DCUO only. Also this site, since it is wholly owned by SOE could be promoted from within the game. I think that would be a good resource. This is more like your description as opposed to the link you posted.

    That linked website looks unusable to me as a DCUO player. There's a bunch of other games, a bunch of adverts, the organization of the site sucks and I don't really know that the information is complete or correct.

    Then there is the question of whether SOE would be ok with directing their players to a website that is not wholly owned and controlled by SOE. They have posted other video on sites before but nothing that is a comprehensive official game resource. It's not that same as shooting an 1-time announcement or an interview out over flickr. The tutorials would be almost intrinsic game content and would have to stay persistent in the long term. Also they would need to be edited and updated periodically.

    I get what you mean about people being more apt to use youtube, but I think that's just one section of people that won't amount to much. There is certainly evidence that youtube videos are popular with one group of DCUO players based on all the fan-made videos and how many views they get.

    You got the whole group of players. Then take away the portion that would use the forums or other text-based guide for info. Then take away the portion that won't go look for info whether it's video or text-guide. In the middle then you are left with the slice of people that won't use a text guide but would use a youtube video. Plus, you can take away the people who already know DCUO well. They're irrelevant to what we're trying to accomplish here.

    Maybe the youtube lovers are more apt to be knowledgable in the first place. Maybe the clueless newbs of DCUO don't use youtube either. Maybe people only start looking up stuff on youtube once they are completely involved in the game already. That's not the target audience.

    Not a very big section I think. I don't think it's worth the extra resources to reach only this section of people. Remember there are people who don't like youtube just like there are people who don't like to read. If you make only videos you are leaving these people out similar to a wiki site would leave out the section of people who don't like to read.

    All in all in-game tutorials are the much superior, but also much more resource intensive solution. It might be better to figure ways to make in-game tutorials easier to produce rather than look to an out-of-game resource which has many drawbacks compared to in-game.

    note: a wiki or website is also much more editable and updateable than videos. With videos, if something changes you shoot or cut a new video. With a webite updates, corrections and maintenance are a lot easier.
  6. DC-Doll New Player

    That's what they have Odyssey for
  7. SirMuttonChops New Player

    I agree with the Wikia being entirely unusable. But this point here is probably the most convincing post in avoiding videos. They need to be updated and maintained regularly if anything changes.

    But I can never see a written concept ever being used by anyone who hasn't already hunted every other option down and found nothing. People will go first to YouTube even if the game itself offers options that aren't innately in the game. That's what people tend to use YouTube for anyways. If the devs want to actually solve the problem of ignorance in game, they have to create videos for that purpose or they include it in the game.
  8. SirMuttonChops New Player

    I'm not sure if this implies that the community turns to us to learn how to play the game, or that the developers need to pay us to do it. But either way, thank you for the compliment.
  9. Veritasum Loyal Player

    DCUO is my first and only mmo experience. Needless to say, when I found myself on a Brainiac ship, I had no idea about anything. I did not know about roles, dps, ninja looting, drops, loot, might, prec, nerf, buff, debuffs, nothing!!! So what does a lost child in a world unknown do? Google. No one in game ever explained anything to me. It didn't help that I generally prefer to stay off mic. So every time a new term would pop up, Google told me what it was. The most helpful site for me was http://www.mmorpg-life.com. I'm not much of a YouTube watcher, so that site was very helpful. I've recently come across this site http://dcuobloguide.com. This looks to be a promising venture. Oh and like many, I found Omaar's HL guide one of the most helpful in here.

    All that to say that the info and resources are out there. Would it benefit to bring it all together under an SOE official umbrella? Sure. But I do not think it's necessary. Because most people who want to research and learn will seek it out and get the info no matter where you put it. Those who just want to smash and get to T6 yesterday, will not seek out such information no matter how easy or well organized it is. I fear pew pew will always sway the masses and whatever tutorial/database will eventually not be updated and fade off into the sunset. It seems like that is what happens with these type of things. Seems like a bummer, but it's 2 cents worth!
  10. Opamp Committed Player

  11. Archangel Rafael New Player

    Well, I still think you are over estimating the efficacy of videos, but that's something that can't really be proven without testing. I don't think the players are really that adverse to reading and I don't think youtube is a go-to for people trying to learn stuff. I for one hate how-to's on youtube for any subject and only use youtube as a last resort.

    I can almost always find the info I need elsewhere on the web and I will spend 5 extra minutes looking for non-video how-to rather than start sifting through video.

    I believe that the group who would rather see text/graphic guides that youtube videos isn't as small as you seem to think they are. Not all people are adverse to reading. "Can never see a written concept ever being used by anyone"? C'mon man, everybody isn't an illiterate 15 yr old. Sure there will be that group of the "I hate to read" crowd but there may will be just as large a group of people who prefer to avoid youtube if possible.

    Besides the "I hate reading" group, a text/graphic website wins the decision on every other point. It's better in every possible way except for this idea that DCUO players are too illiterate to read a guide. No one has really refuted the fact that a website is functionally superior for the purpose in every way. The one and only point offered to support videos over a website is that some players will not be willing to read.

    All of these other points are quantifiable and provable. The idea that people hate reading to much to use a website is pure conjecture and it's impossible to support or test that hypothesis. I honestly don't agree that people wouldn't use a website because they hate reading too much.

    Moreover I think that anyone who is too stupid or lazy to read a website is too stupid and lazy to go out of their way to learn the game anyway. These types aren't going to sit through cumulative hours of video to learn game mechanics either.

    Basically, I think that that small set of people who would only use videos but would never use a wiki guide-site, those people are a lost cause no matter what media a guide is produced in. In-game tutorials would be the only way to reach those people.
  12. QueenofWar (Crisis Core) New Player

    Hello, apparently I'm this awful commentator chick, (GEMI) In a sense I do apologize for the drawn out vids. The videos were made to contain useful content but be delivered with an interesting twist. I agree to an extent, that people can make vids directly to show skills and what they can do. But if all Vids were like this it would be incredible boring to watch since every commentator's videos would be exactly the same. The twist we chose to implement was a character bio and thorough basic explanation of each skill to assist viewers in making a conscious purchase with their hard earned marks or even Cash. (sometimes these skill descriptions can get repetitive since the moves are often recycled,we can only work with what we are given)

    But again we stick to the fact the everyone learns differently, some people need visual as well as audio to completely understand a thought and some people can understand simply by reading text. I don't believe that electing to watch a vid means you are less educated or illiterate (you never know some people may have disabilities that makes it hard for them to learn from reading ex. dyslexic people.) So having these multiple outlets would help all kinds of players as a whole.

    However, because you have stated many times that you prefer to read text over my drawn out, watching paint dry, non-to the point videos :p I would love to refer you to a person (the enquirer) who has taken the time to write out detailed legends guides https://forums.station.sony.com/dcu...s-pvp-guide-your-favorite-character-s.192534/

    Other Legends VIDEO guides from another commentator (who may be more to the point) Trexlight : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2CA92907C904E7D4

    Also lastly noted, since the entire legends roster will be completed in a few days, after the addition of Steel and Asylum Joker. We will no longer be continuing the Legends Spotlight Series.

    Thank you for taking the time to post and express your thoughts , I hope overall I gave you some alternative resources to check out

    - Geminess (in game QueenofWar)
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  13. Archangel Rafael New Player

    Maybe you didn't notice but I did say I thought those videos were extremely well produced. That was a big part of my point against videos for this application and why I used your vids as an example. I don't think anyone could have done a better job. Those videos are pro-quality. Similar to what I would expect if SOE produced them in-house. So my point is using your vids is that these are about what we could expect from pro-produced videos.

    I used your videos to show that it's not a matter of how well done they are but that the cons of videos are endemic to the media.

    Maybe somebody would like to sit and watch them all some day to learn all the legends characters, but when a player is in-game trying to glean a specific piece of info, even the best made video is not efficient to that purpose.

    All the info in your vids is on-topic, including the bios. It's all good info but no matter how good the video is, it's still not as efficient and accessible to find specific information as an indexed wiki-linked web site.

    Video production quality cannot make up for the failing of the youtube format which doesn't offer even basic indexing. Youtube offers a totally disorganized search-string with advertisements and sponsored vids also in the mix to contend with.

    If I want to be entertained by your lovely voice and the pretty animations while enjoying an overview of legends characters I can hit your playlist and sit back to watch. If I am looking for specific, discrete information, no matter how well made a video is, youtube itself is a very unwieldy and inefficient research tool.

    You again mention the one and only argument, which I concede is true, some people plain don't like to read. Learning disabilities or dyslexia are not really a factor because it's a very small portion of the population and that issue goes toward handicapped accessibility rather than general use.

    What about people who learn better by reading than by watching videos? People here are championing the "people learn differently" thing but that's not really an argument in favor of vids over text because there's no reason to believe that more of the target audience would learn better from videos than text. There's nothing to support that at all other than the conjecture of the "I hate reading" crowd.

    ps - your voice is indeed lovely and if you happen to be attending SOE Live this year, I would love to take you to dinner Saturday night before the pool party! ;)
  14. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    lol LOVE that clip that is so the game right now for low lvls
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  15. Draco8573 New Player

    I make dcuo YouTube vids. Right now I just do random things and work on home turf collections. But I would just like to add that I know for a fact the Devs pay attention to our vids. Like i said I just started so I have like eight DC vids and the offical DcUO account subbed to me.
    And I do not think they should make videos, like others said its on us, the community.
    One thing that may help is thag if they provided links to channels with good vids and tutorials? Like on the forums pr a little spotlight on the homepage?
    Like Orbit has great tutorials. Jcg is good too but his collection vids are out of date.
  16. Archangel Rafael New Player

    SOE keeps track of DCUO related videos to make sure no one is posting anything they don't like in a video. That's why the official DCUO account subbed to your channel. The ToS agreement explains this.

    Likewise SOE is not going to direct people to unofficial videos on youtube. There's a variety of reasons, but the simplest is that youtube videos can be monetized and SOE can't be showing favoritism in helping one player over another make money off their game.
  17. Gargamond Dedicated Player

    I like the contest idea. But here is another option:

    You can utilize twitter to communicate directly with Mepps and ask him via #AskDCUO for some loading screens with more information on a particular subject. I think the loading screens are our best option for DEV-produced instructions. Loading screens are also kind of like force-feeding information to new players, so if a player can read, they will eventually get the information.
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  18. SKAVANGER408 New Player

    Ya that can work as well. Some of the loading screen tips are pretty useless and would benefit from real information.
  19. SKAVANGER408 New Player

    OMG! They made some:eek:

  20. Skylez New Player

    ^^Yea I just saw lolol
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