Why doesnt Daybreak Give us A Way to Buy In game Money from them

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Mikeyb2001, Feb 23, 2018.

  1. Mohican378 Dedicated Player

    We do not have gold backing the dollar in real life. The Dollar is worth what its worth because the government says it is, and you have faith in the government. You can look it up. We haven't been on a gold stanard for decades.
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  2. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Then what would be the point of buying that Daybreak In-Game cash if you're not going to spend it on the big ticket items??? Why would Daybreak bother selling cash if people are not going to buy in bulk to pay for the outrageously priced Broker items??? It all becomes a self-defeating exercise. The reality is that those who already can afford to spend as much as they do on Stabilizer keys and Booster Bundles will gladly pay to buy the cash and pay the ridiculous broker prices...and continue to ruin the game's economy at a much faster rate.
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  3. Mohican378 Dedicated Player

    Because the third party can't ust make that cash out of nowhere. It has to be farmed from within the game.

    If the company starts selling currency, they're just making new money and injecting it into the system. Which in turn makes all the other money worth less. This is called inflation. It's a real thing, and it works in video game ecnonomies EXACTLY the same way it does in real life.

    There is a huge difference between putting up with third party gold sellers and selling your game currency directly to the players yourself.

    this isn't an opinion, it's a fact.
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  4. Mohican378 Dedicated Player

    That's not reality. You're talking about a fantasy scenario, that NEVER happens when you just start printing money. The money's NOT backed by the cash you pay for it, because there are OTHER ways to make money aside from buying it off the marketplace in your scenario.
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  5. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    No...we most certainly aren't. There's still room for worse.

    And saying you support this bad idea because it would make the company money is just plain stupid. If the game is already in a bad state, how the hell would doubling down on this bad state make things better??? All it would do is bring the end of the game sooner. Is that what you want to accomplish here???
  6. lukelucky Devoted Player

    In the current system u tell me a %100 way to spend money and get the item. U can NOT
    Dcuo sells cash Its X amount for said item and done.

    Guess where my vote will always be?

    If we did not have millions of billions in game as printed money I'd be with u. Sadly we do and it won't change. Selling cash is the answer
  7. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Dude...your logic fail is at epic proportions. You don't see people spending $50 for a material???? How many videos have you seen where people have opened 100 Time Capsules??? Even with the MC discount and free keys you'd still be spending $50 or more just to open that many TCs (glitching not included). People easily spend $100 or more on Booster Bundles. You really think they wouldn't spend $50 or more on Daybreak cash to get these materials?? I call bs on your naive theory that people wouldn't spend that much on Materials when they already do.

    Secondly, DCUO is NOT losing cash because of the Gold Sellers. If anything, they benefit indirectly. People are unfortunately using their services because they want the low drop/high priced broker items...which in turn means that the whales who are spending money to buy keys will continue to do so since they know people will get that in-game cash somehow. You can't "lose" something that was never coming to you in the first place.
  8. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    Yes..it's called do the same thing the whales are doing. And just because DCUO starts selling cash doesn't mean things will remain X amount. That's not how it works...not in reality. If I get an item...say Complex Crime Scene Riddle, currently going for at minimum 120Mil. If DCUO started printing cash tomorrow there's nothing stopping me from jacking the price up to 360Mil....because I know somebody will have it before long. That didn't fix the problem...it just made it worse in a single day.
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  9. Princess Zero Well-Known Player

    You have the same bots spamming to sell you gold in every zone, in every chat channel since the beginning of the game. The problem hasn't really been solved and I've always been suspicious that Daybreak/SOE is somehow getting a cut from the sales of in-game currency.
  10. lukelucky Devoted Player

    You are simply speculating and dodging a major fact

    As is u can NOT assure u will get what u want. Not for $20, $100, a $1,000 or even a million dollars. As is in any of those scenarios u could leave empty handed and that is simply not OK to me

    Dcuo sells cash and now you CAN garuntee after X amount said item is yours.

    As is dcuo loses no doe to gold sellers
    Selling money Dcuo gets the cash they currently are losing. If the 10 to 15 people I know spent thousands on gold sellers how big is this issue overall?

    All the "this will happen" is noise. U can't %100 garuntee anything it's speculation. My statements however are concrete unless u wanna prove them wrong

    As is how much money can I spend through Dcuo to get the liquid material? U give me a exact number and directions I will log in and spend the bucks, make a video and post it but YOU CANT. IT IS NOT POSSIBLE TO GARUNTEE U GET ANYTHING.

    Save everything else u wanna guess about cause I don't care. As a customer i want a garunteed path to desired items and I want money I spend to go to dcuo NO ONE ELSE. Comprende?

    U wanna despute selling money will not garuntee me a clear cut path to desired items I desire cause that's my issue. U wanna despute Dcuo selling in game cash will not get some revenue back to dcuo it loses to gold sellers? That's the second issue I have
  11. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    Like I said earlier, the problem behind this whole thing seems to be people saying, "I want to get X ultra rare item, but not pay very much real life or in-game money for it." They complain about broker prices because they personally don't have that much money. Well, guess what? Most of us don't, because they're VERY RARE items. So either spend real life cash to the tune of hundreds of dollars, or work hard farming and selling in game items until you have enough. Then buy it.
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  12. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    So you're saying, I want to buy X item ON THE BROKER using cash I purchased from DCUO, but this item FROM A TC THAT SOMEONE HAD TO OPEN isn't worth that much to me and I'm not going to spend hundreds of dollars to get it. Well, guess what? The person that did open all those TCs to get it, is going to sell it for as much as they can humanly get for it. Why do you think rare items are priced so high on the broker. 1. Bcause they're ultra rare. 2. Because people are willing to pay that amount of money for them. If you don't want to, that's your decision.
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  13. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    The problem here is DCUO has said, "we're only going to sell these items via RNG lootboxes. We WILL NOT put them as direct purchases on the Marketplace. That's their decision, and a smart one financially.

    Then you go, BREAK the TOS and purchase money ILLEGALLY (according to game rules) from 3rd party sites, to buy stuff from the broker.

    Now you're saying, I want a way to force DCUO to sell me THEIR stuff, the way I WANT. Otherwise I'm going to keep breaking the TOS because that's the way I roll. This idea is important to keep me from doing something I shouldn't be doing in the first place. Do you have any idea how selfish and entitled that sounds?
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  14. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    DCUO: Buy in-game cash at $1,000,000 for $25.

    Gold Seller Site: Buy DCUO cash for $1,000,000 for $20.

    Player markfortunate: "Man, DCUO is losing all this cash because they charge too much! They should undercut the illegally-operating businesses if they want me to spend money with them. As is, I guess they're forcing me to keep buying cash from these 3rd party sites. Too bad for DCUO!"
  15. Wiccan026 Loyal Player

    Players won't get a fair chance at obtaining desireable items if cash is sold on the marketplace several of us have written out directly why and you still don't understand or at least refuse to.

    Also the fact that they aren't using the Marketplace to the fullest is a completely different subject than selling money outright.
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  16. lukelucky Devoted Player

    Nope not accurate

    I broke the rules sure like 6 months ago.

    I am not trying to force Dcuo into anything. I quit. Until this topic I barely post on the forums because I rarely even check them. I don't log into Dcuo anymore as a result of needing to give a third party money or except I won't get the items I want.

    Dcuo lost a lot of money in my very small circle. Everyone swears RNG is as u say smart.

    Repeat business is the most important thing to dcuo. A system where u can spend litterally endless cash and NOT get the item U wanted does not increase your odds of repeat business. It reduces it so "smart" is debateable.

    I would like to be back in dcuo giving them boat loads of money but as is i just can't. Its a bad purchase (RNG) and I just can't participate. So sure I broke the rules plenty long enough ago but I also quit. I still pay one of my subs supporting Dcuo but again do not log in.

    I am aware I admitted to wrong doing but under good intentions. People use gold sellers instead of giving Dcuo their money. Unless Dcuo knows why they can't get that money back. Maybe they here stuff like what I say and make no changes. Maybe improvements are made who knows. I did my part and provided my side and that's all I can do.
  17. lukelucky Devoted Player

    U speculate what u think will happen. I agree there is a reasonable chance it plays out like u suggest but I also know it could go another route.

    I said a garunteed way to obtain the item. Currently the only way to garuntee u get said item is use a third party and dcuo lose money
  18. Torikumu 10000 Post Club

    Okay let's look at it from another angle. An angle of morality and how Daybreak Games are "losing money to gold sellers".

    Let's say DCUO start selling $50,000,000 for 2000MC (or $20). That rate is cheaper than what Gold Sellers are asking for today, with one (whom I won't name) asking for $27.38 for $50m. Daybreak has the advantage on the gold seller now, by offering the same amount of cash for a more competitive price. Daybreak are now making money from people who are funding gold sellers. Everyone can now just buy cash and get what they want for a fixed fee. Yay! roll the cute animated credit sequence, put on a happy song, maybe throw in a few bloopers.

    From reading your arguments, this is where you think the story ends. All of a sudden, people can exchange real life money for cash and buy all those rare collections. Daybreak have put the gold sellers out of business with their cheaper product and nobody has to read those annoying messages.

    What you fail to account for is what happens next. You keep dismissing inflation as "moot" because you consider the prices to already be high. Today's prices will be considered low, if the game was ever given a cash product that people can buy and you would be back here, begging for them to return.

    Depending on the amount of uptake of the cash product mentioned above, I'd hazard a guess that players will begin hitting the Broker cap of $999,999,999 in no time. Probably within a year. Probably not just on the rare items, either. When people begin hitting the broker cap, people will stop using the broker and rely on trading items directly for large sums of cash instead. Not only does this mean that prices will continue to go up, beyond the cap on the broker, but it also means that less money is leaving the game via the broker fees, further exasperating the problem. Although, the broker's piddly little 5% (or whatever it is) won't even dent the hyper inflation we'd experience.

    Guess what else happens in this inflated economy? All that cash that's floating around, some of it is sold to gold sellers. Because people want to make IRL money. But if people have billions of DCUO dollars now, because it's not hard to get that much money any more, gold sellers can't offer the prices they do today in exchange for your currency.

    Let's assume that they buy your gold at 50% the price they sell it at. $27 for $50m is the selling price, so half of that would be $13.50. There's no way they'd buy $50m of your inflated DCUO cash for $13.50. They'd probably buy your $50m for like $1.30. Probably less. So you have to sell them more of your cash if you want to earn $10.

    This means that the gold sellers acquire more currency for their reserve and can sell it in larger bundles at a cheaper price. You've probably figured out what happens next. The gold sellers return (... well they wouldn't leave in the first place. Their prices would adjust at all stages in this process). Gold sellers offer huge bundles of cash, for about the same amount of dollars they charge people today.

    All of a sudden, that DCUO currency product isn't worth it. Prolific broker players abandon it and return to buying from gold sellers, further increasing their revenue and strengthening their operations. So not only have you ****** the entire economy, you've empowered the gold sellers even more.

    Selling in-game currency on the marketplace to fix the broker problem is about as logical as setting your house on fire to kill a spider.
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  19. lukelucky Devoted Player

    This could happen. I know I would spend the extra to support dcuo and yes I understand most would go the cheapest route.

    It is possible Dcuo could under cut them to a point it's just not worth thier time.

    Everything added to the qwark vendor
    Selling Dcuo in game cash
    Skip RNG and send everything to the market place

    There are plenty of other ways to win back money lost and better satisfy customers. As is i have zero way to support dcuo and I'd like that to change. I'd like to regain intrest in a game that drove me away unneeded
  20. lukelucky Devoted Player

    T I am not trying to fix the broker economy. Its been messed up since 2011 So who cares

    I want a garunteed way to rare items
    I want a way to give Dcuo my money when I obtain said items rather then a third party vulture.

    That's as simple as it gets. Selling cash via the market place solves my issues. RNG and the way things are is unacceptable imo and as a result why i am not a current player. I pay my sub and will till the game is dead. I simply don't bother logging in. I might not of even downloaded the game on my new ps4. (bought new tv and ps4 for game room and no longer play in living room ps4 So maybe i currently don't even have the game)

    I miss dcuo but no way I get back into it as is. As a customer i feel disresected
    Just noticed something u said. Even if prices went up I don't care. As is i can drop a thousand dollars yet not have what I want. Dcuo sells cash I drop X amount and yup that items mine

    Side note I catch some of your videos or was. Impressed bud