Why Does This Game Force You To Buy A Supercharge?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Rockhound665, May 30, 2014.

  1. light FX Steadfast Player

    never ever was forced 2 buy a sc and i play 4 toons and 3 of them are not speced in2 any sc
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  2. Vyltran Loyal Player

    Basically Rocky, you find unneccesary spend power points on a tier when you can freely spend your pp as you like?... if not, correct me.. but yeah, i'm rage and i don't even use berserker... i know really well my loadout...
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  3. Little Sister New Player

    You could be level 30 by now if you hadn't posted this topic lol ;)
  4. EP Ice Loyal Player

    I literally redid my power points on one of my toons today (both Damage and Healer) and I did not have to spec into a SC if I did not want to and one of the powers I wanted was at the bottom of the tree.
  5. Kristyana New Player

    Each tree is set up the following way:

    1 Tier 1 ability
    3 Tier 2 abilities
    3 Tier 3 abilities (1 normal in the middle and two SC)
    2 Tier 4 abilities
    3 Tier 5 abilities

    To unlock a power at a specific tier you need to spend enough power points total to get down to it. 1 point to unlock tier 2 abilities, 2 points to unlock tier 3 abilities, etc. Plus some powers require a different one to be purchased beforehand.

      2 2 2
      ↓ ↓ ↓
    S ↓ 3 ↓ S
      4 ↓ 4
      ↓ ↓ ↓
      5 5 5
    Most people who level up quickly simply drill down to the AWESOME skill at the bottom of a power tree as soon as they are able and don't branch out until later. Unless the power you're leveling to get is straight down the middle, you won't be "forced" to take a supercharge because the tier 3 power in the middle becomes available.

    However, none of the powers have branches to the right or left that have a tier 3 power. It goes straight from tier 2 to tier 4. So if you're only investing in one side of a power tree, you may feel "forced" to buy a supercharge because those will be the only options that will light up after you spend your second power point.

    You can buy a supercharge, or you can put a third powerpoint into another tier 2 power. Either one will unlock the tier 4 powers.

    The weapon trees work the same way. You aren't forced to spend 4 points going straight down the tree to get to the first tier of innates at the bottom, only spend four points in the tree in total.
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  6. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    This guy gets it.
  7. Rockhound665 Steadfast Player

    I had to go to work. I just find it a waste to have to spend points on powers I don't want. Oh, and you of all people should understand that with babies in the house we have scant little time to play.