why does group finder STILL suck?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Azrakael, Jan 6, 2014.

  1. winter13 New Player

    Sore nailed it - I que up for multiple tiers of duos and alerts at one time (just so I can get into something). After I finish that instance, another duo or alert (depending on what I just left) is usually ready for me. After that one, I just start the whole que process again, minus those two instances.
  2. winter13 New Player

    That's the problem with the playerbase - 75-80% run a dps as their main. That doesn't leave whole lot of tanks, trolls, and heals out there.
  3. Sore Steadfast Player

    One challenge is that it's so much better to run your solos, challenges, and duos in DPS stance. I love running alerts and raids as a healer. I hate switching back and forth. So I tend to over-represent myself as a DPS at times rather than being flexible. Armories are going to make a big difference for me there. Plus I can kiss my hybrid spec bye-bye. That should make me stronger at both roles as I go for more T2 innates.
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  4. Deathmike Devoted Player

    The correct setting is off if you want one of each role.
    You still might have people who queued for their off-role but refuse to switch to it.
    There's an icon near their health bar to indicate if that's the case.

    Deathmike out.
  5. Peach4saints Committed Player

    In this case it's ok to kick said person because perfect groups take a little longer to wait for and after all that waiting someone decides to do this.No bye bye to that person
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  6. Caseyyeah Committed Player

    The role optional alerts option is intended to help remedy this. The problem is that even if I have the option turned on, some players cheat the system and queue up for both their DPS and function role. This cheats the system because if there is a DPS, tank, and healer queued up and another player queues up as both DPS and troller, the system will place that player in the instance with the three others. Now if the player that was double queued wants to play DPS and has no intention of playing as a troller then that player is depriving that group of a spot for a troller.

    Now I know that most 4 man content in the game can be completed with a less than ideal group. But, there are players that want to run with an ideal group and that is what the role optional alerts option is designed for.
  7. Derio 15000 Post Club

    There is a low population for t1-t4 content. Most people running that content is dps. Primarily because they find the other roles boring. Im not surprised that the que is messed up for that content. However that is why LFG was created to encourage people to make their own groups.
  8. SuperiorMouse New Player

    scroll up. i've already addressed this before your post.