Why does 98 gear drop in elite??

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Frankzilla, Apr 24, 2015.

  1. Frankzilla Committed Player

    I know this has been talked about and there is a new loot system coming but that doesn't matter because 98 gear will still be drop in Elite. So therefore it will still be times with this so called random loot system that your only choice will be 98 gear so new loot system or not that's doesn't change anything the problem is the loot table which some how isn't being mentioned. Now in a attempt to remain constructive I guess Im suppose to give my input on it. Honestly I believe it was said we will have 2 weeks to beat Elite which isn't true why because once it's reset you have to beat the regular one first then your loot locked. So it should be rephrased to if you don't pay you only have one week to beat it. Which brings to my next problem for the most part ppl are paying to have a chance at the highest lvl gear in the game and we are being manipulated into spending mass amount of replays based off luck and horrible loot table. In conclusion there is no way that alert lvl gear should be dropping AT ALL in the end game content especially content that you have to pay for to have a chance at loot. You can say it isn't pay to win but with elite set up it is and if that's fact than there should be as much winning as there is paying. Hopefully ppl in this community will open there eyes stop being played and come together so we can get legit changes made cause to go in Elite and come out with 3 98 pieces is a slap in the face period.
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  2. DustyAnkh Loyal Player

    Even if it dropped only 101 gear, it doesn't really matter. It's all just Salvage.

    The solos give 102 in the next DLC.
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  3. ncgreenlantern Loyal Player

    Just wait till t7and the next dlc because 98 gear drops in there too.
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  4. ncgreenlantern Loyal Player

    The next dlc solo drops 98 with a chance of 102 .
  5. DustyAnkh Loyal Player

    Yup. And the raids drop 110. My point was, who cares what Elite Throne drops ? Either way it'll be out of relevance very soon.

    February called, they want their complaint topic back :p
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  6. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Rare gear can't drop every time. Something else has to in its place.
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  7. BlueLionSven Well-Known Player

    Well it could drop rare items all the time, but then you believe people wouldn't run the content enough to justify new content over and over, not to mention it wouldn't be rare anymore.
  8. 478874 Dedicated Player

    and you call yourself Frankzilla.
  9. Frankzilla Committed Player

    I under stand that 101 can't drop everytime but that's what 100 gear is for the elite version should drop no less then 100 gear. @478874 yes my name is frank Zilla yours is 478874 like for real lol.
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  10. Frankzilla Committed Player

    I've never seen one person even get 100 gear outta elite not to say it hasn't but the amount of times and amount of different ppl says the drop rate is low
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  11. Frankzilla Committed Player

    That doesnt matter its a solo id expect that. Im speaking on specifically the Elite version how is it that The ELITE has alert lvl drops. An on every boss as well at least the last boss shouldnt be dropping anything less then 100 gear. If you increased the drop rate of rare gear on the last boss like it was stated and ppl are still getting 98 gear like crazy on the last boss than something is extremely wrong. Im not requesting instant change but something has to give. Maybe in future Elite content different methods can be used.
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  12. SYNDICOR2525 Dedicated Player

    While rare gear can't drop each and every time, 98 drops in T7 content would be ridiculous, even from a solo.
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  13. MyrVell Committed Player

    And duos, maybe alerts as well. T6.999...
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  14. MyrVell Committed Player

    Why is 102 gear considered "rare"?
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  15. SandShark New Player

    Why not drop 100 gear in Elite in place of the 98? So that way it would be 100 - 101 gear in Elite. That way gear would be a bit more useful to players than just becoming a huge pile of salvaging material. Also using this same concept for further content rather than having low level common gear appear in Elite Alerts/Raids etc.
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  16. Frankzilla Committed Player

    its not the fact that its 102 gear its the fact thats its omnipotent and all the stats its offers. As far as i knew the only rare gear in there is the gold mask everything else is regular gear so I dont see why the game is being so stingy with the loot drops. I ran with a 116 healer everyone was in awe but me I guess they didnt hear him state he could have bought another ps4 with how it took to get 116.
  17. Malachyte Devoted Player

    It's like asking how many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsies Pop, the world may never know !!!

  18. Frankzilla Committed Player

    Thats what Im saying I could have swore 100 gear is suppose to drop in Elite but Ive never seen it and have alot of ppl whom will say the same and if that is the case and 100 gear is suppose to drop then i rest my case its evident that the 98 gear far out weighs anything else on the loot table.
  19. Daemonic Visions Committed Player

    Like how the response is "wait until next DLC, it'll be 102", your giving this company leeway to the damage that they have done to their players and the community because it has shown in numbers that players did not agree to the drop rate given in this content, I've watched players slowly fade away because they were just tired of seeing 98 gear, myself included, dropping far too much than it should, it discourages continuing to log in and playing, and I have in fact seen this to be factual. What makes it even worse, they are placing more 98 gear in the next DLC, again, a disrespect towards the players that log into this game, it should have been 99.

    Why not 100 gear and lesser chance of 101 for Elite? Elite requires effort, and in the reward, they receive a slap to the face by the drop rate given. Even if there is a new drop rate in the fix I fear taking this long to realize the damage this company has done to it's players, and those that have stayed, find it harder to form groups willing to continue this blatant disrespect to players by being too late in achieving a proper reward system.
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  20. Lord Raiden Dedicated Player

    I've tried to get league mates to see that there is no point in running elite but they still throw replays at it. It's a waste of time. Yeah the best gear drops in it but when it's the hardest content in game, besides SM, and it rewards crap 98 gear a majority of the time, it sucks. And yes rare gear can drop every time, who said it had to be a different piece every time though. If I always saw a purple piece when I defeated a boss it would make me want to re run that content even more. Hell with these current raids you get a high chance at useless gear and a low chance at gear that may be beneficial or a low chance of getting your tenth 100 face. I would rather get repetitive 100 pieces than have them substituted with equally worthless 98 gear that clogs the loot table. And if 98 gear is still dropping in the new raids I will be bewildered.
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