Why do you think PVP hasn't been fixed or talked about?

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by RLManuel, Sep 15, 2015.

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  1. RLManuel Committed Player

    Well, fellow players... Why do you think?
  2. Harlequin Devoted Player

    Because no matter how loud or how much PvP players complain, in the end, there's only like 6 of you.
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  3. Brother Allen Loyal Player

    There is no $$ to be made. Or enough that they care to even try to make it. When they quietly canceled and stopped doing FNL's (PVP ones specifically for this discussion even though they stopped doing all FNL's) that was the red flag it was time to move elsewhere if competitive PVP was the main reason a player played.
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  4. darkscarletx Loyal Player

    The reason there are not many pvp players is because they don't do anything. If they would, people would come back to pvp. They see all those threads, they are not blind.
    And if it's only because of money, then they can make us pay. That's not complicated. They can ask us and see if it would benefit for the game.
    This a hero vs villain game.
    Players aren't only in the forum too, they are in the game as well.

    And well, maybe this midrange update for all powers will fix pvp too. We'll see.
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  5. dibrieEUps Well-Known Player

    proud to be one off dem :D

    Greets Dibrie
  6. Pults Loyal Player

    *Pvp is not profitable at the moment.
    *It takes a lot of effort to even make small fixes.
    *Too many things have to be done to balance thing out.
    *The relationship between pve mechanics and pvp are debatable since somewhere along the lines they cross paths.
    *We're focused on other projects
    *We are focusing our resources to bring the best pve experience
    *We have planned many interesting quality of life improvements but none of them are based on community suggestions

    I would probably make one of the worst spokesmen but still, it takes little effort to really understand why nothing major is being done to "fix it".
  7. Albatros0014 New Player

    ok ok
    it's very hard pve
  8. Yochanan32 Well-Known Player

    PVP is talked (complained) about all the time. Typically its Rage and HL issues. Make a petition and send your complaints to the devs.o_O
  9. Grumpy Dedicated Player

    Because there's more money in PvE.
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  10. ChillCat Loyal Player

    OK, let's talk specific ideas and suppose the mechanical issues do get addressed. What non-controversial things could the Devs implement that would be worth spending money on?

    Tournaments with an entry fee? Special pvp-specific marketplace items? What exactly?
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  11. KodyDerp Dedicated Player

    Not nearly as much as PvE.
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  12. Yochanan32 Well-Known Player

    You do have this channel just for PVP. Use it more.
  13. KodyDerp Dedicated Player

    PvP hasn't been updated yet because the developers of this game are very unprofessional as well as the people who employ them. No other game would ignore a percentage of their player base no matter how small. No other game would leave a part of their game in a broken state. People argue that pvp isn't profitable, various members of the community have offered great solutions to make it profitable. PvP will NEVER be as profitable as PvE so I hope people do not expect that, but still, there is no reason why a piece of a game such as this one should be left unattended to, especially when PvP was once so great in this game.
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  14. Soul Dedicated Player

    This game was built on PvP.. When you made a character you would almost exclusively select the PvP phase knowing you'll be flying around and might encounter the opposite faction. (They completely took out the option to even be in the PvP phase from the get go)

    Teams would constantly change their setup, investing money in power respec changes and saturating the game.

    It really does seem like they are taking out every PvP aspect of the game slowly, they dont realize most people come and stay for the Hero vs Villain engagement.

    What keeps people in the game, even PvErs, is the PvP in between new content.
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  15. Yallander Loyal Player

    Because the truth will get you banned...
    and the devs can't handle the truth.
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  16. dibrieEUps Well-Known Player


    Prestige Rewards for Leagues That compete in PvP ...greater rewards for those who win.

    >> Allow me to elaborate on this topic so it won´t get overseen. There will be 2 kinds of maps, the "free to play maps" and the premium maps (For sub´d players).
    The free to play maps will give no prestige as reward towards the league, on the other hand the premium maps are the ones that allow prestige for the leagues.

    But why PVP prestige? In pve this means pretty much buffs. For pvp we have options 2 paths to take:
    2) Leaderboards: Sub´d members earn pvp prestige that counts not only towards buff, but towards leaderboards. So if the whole team in any pvp match is sub´d, the team earn prestige and that instantly qualify that victory (from same league members) towards the leaderboards.

    So if a member is not subd, yes, the team can win the match but it won´t count towards the leaderboard.

    Rewards: Promote team work with bigger rewards than maps that require a smaller composition. Example: Give way more rewards to a 8v8 than 1v1 or 2v2 and so on.

    Here new maps can be introduced (a 3, 4 or 5 node map 8v8 would be amazing).

    So, Leader boards for PvP Leader Boards should be run by Certian Maps ex ... you cant que for 5v5 moon cause your not sub and that map is one of the few that counts towards the leader boards that only League members Sub´d can queue for.

    PvP Gear shouldnt be grindy it should encourage more people to return and even more people to try DC out. No one wants to Spend a stupid amount of time starting a character... lvl it to 30 ( which is mega boring ) then the Gear grind starts? That doesnt sound fun for anyone trying to start DC or return ... make it less so people can join there friends and feel apart of the game sooner.

    PvP should be the balance that holds the game between finished content and new stuff still to come ... it shouldn't cost anything to start it only if you feel you wanna be competitve should it cost a Sub.

    PvP Skill Points

    Simple. With the same currency "pvp prestige", will allow you to unlock "PVP usable only skill points".

    So a 70 sps char, that doesn´t enjoy the pve grind, to compete with 200+ sps chars, can earn this pvp skill points, by doing more arenas. The more arenas that he runs, the more pvp prestige he earns (sub´d of course), and this same prestige allow him to unlock ft points that unlock PVP skill points. This PVP skill points allow them to spec better by doing pvp, but, this PVP skill points won´t be usable for pve instances (only pvp phase open world and arenas). This way, a true pvper can achieve a level where his stats compete vs a char that has 200sps earned by doing pve.

    This is huge: A pure pvper can have a 200+sp pvp char and mantain it like this as long as he is sub´d, when his real sps are lets say 70 as mentioned before. He earned those pvp skill points by doing pvp. If a pver comes to pvp, and has already 200+sp, his effort still will be recognized and he can work to compliment his high level with pvp skill points to make it 210-220 sps, etc.

    This concept introduces new ways of monetization to the game. Prestige boosters, new and exclusive pvp styles unlocked by pvp prestige, pvp exclusive feats, more arenas and pvp content, and even do crossover feats between pve.


    Greets Dibrie:)
  17. E Clip Dedicated Player

    This is true for almost all MMO's, the most populated servers are the PvP ones. Even outside MMO's, the most played games in the world are PvP: Dota, LoL, Smite, Counter Strike, fighting games, sport games, shooter games etc etc ... players want to play against other players, if a game designer doesnt realize this, perhaps he should reconsider his future as a game designer.

    I know that the general opinion here on the forums is that PvP doesnt generate money, and perhaps that's true, but that's only because PvP has been neglected for so long and the game doesn't market itself as such nor it pushes you in that direction. I mean this is DC Universe, to anyone who knows the slightest about DC and comics (and lately tv shows and movies), he knows this universe is about the fight between good and evil, so naturally you'd expect to be fighting the opposing faction. This imo is (or rather should be) the biggest selling point of the game. But the game doesn't push you in that direction, it mainly focuses you on PvE. Well thats cool, but PvE is boring especially if you make it as easy as it is now. From my perspective, the game suffers from a serious identity crisis and that's why PvP hasnt been fixed, the devs just cant see the potential of PvP.
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  18. TITAN ephemeral Loyal Player

    can you name a SINGLE part....ANY part...of this game that is NOT broken??
  19. Clutchmeister Loyal Player

    The exit game button [IMG]
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  20. Zpirit Dedicated Player

    Marketplace button.
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