Why do you make the styles so rare?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by OG ELITE, Jun 10, 2019.

  1. OG ELITE Committed Player

    Forums are for feedback, so there’s mine.
  2. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    True. Thank you for supporting the game and keeping the lights on. :)
  3. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    Do what I did :)
  4. Scarlet Mysty Loyal Player

    People often complain about how unethical it is for 'ticket exchange' companies to resell tickets at inflated prices. The fact that people buy them doesn't stop it being unethical. In many cases this is the only way to get tickets as these companies buy up all available tickets so there is no option but to buy it from them...it's just a matter of opinion (you may not think it's unethical and that's fine).

    I'm not even saying it's unethical. Just saying that's a terrible 'rule' to decide on who can and can't talk about what they think about a product. It seems whenever you read something you don't like, you become very anti free-speech.
  5. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    I'm not anti-anything, I like a good sad story.
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  6. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    I have (Batman Cowl at $20 with no regrets or gripes), and would continue to buy things directly from the marketplace at those prices to not have to deal with RNG...but as you point out, others don't. Meanwhile people open their wallets of their own free will for a chance at something that isn't even guaranteed after a certain point...and spend way more. People make no sense. :rolleyes:
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  7. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    I am one of those people who didn't like the price tag so I saved up 4 months of loyalty points to get the Dark Knight Cowl pack off the loyalty vendor. $20 for 2 styles
    and I knew that I wasn't going to wear the mask variant ever, rediculous cost. Or I could spend $20 (Stabilizer Pack/2 BBs) and get $20 worth of items I will use. I sincerely hope people that buy multiple BBs save their bonus rewards for future sales. Red and Blue Tesla Auras from last BB are around $100 mil in game now.
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  8. PsySomatic Extra Life 2020

    That is what bothers me the most, because it boarders on being a scam. They promote it as; "Get yours in game now!" Come check out these awesome new styles!" "Get it while you can!" "Get yours today!" etc, etc.

    They know full well the odds are extremely low and yet promote the Booster Bundle and TC's as if you just have to buy it and you'll get yours today.

    While you can argue with the BB that you get your value in MP items and the reward box is extra, most of their promotions for the booster bundle(at face value) do not even mention the valued MP items, just the styles. That combined with how they are promoted and when you see what they are going for in game, currently 280m per box, for many that is enough to just say maybe I might get lucky and $200 dollars later they are here.. :D
  9. Kuno Loyal Player

    People like the OP throwing hundred of dollars at the game are what makes the devs continue this awful trend.
    I understand the use of a marketplace for microtransictions and I used it when I was interested in something but I can't understand people spending that much money on cosmetic stuff that has a very rare chance to drop.
    Seriously I can't.
  10. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    There is only one way to fix the issue. Do not buy the Booster Bundles...When the first few came out they were more expensive...came with less 'hard goods' and you had a much better chance of getting the 'rare' item (Plasmic, Smoke, Nimbus, Radient....) so you were very obviously spending your money to get the aura....DBG noted this....they lowered the price and upped the 'value' so that the aura was really the 'free bonus' item but ran the chances of getting one of the rare ones down. And we keep eating it up cause that item is all anyone really wants. If we keep spending $200 (since that's the example here) for a 20 in 1000 (1 in 50) shot at getting one of the rare items, why would you think it would get better? If anything it will get worse. I personally have not bought any this round or the last...and don't see buying any future BBs unless they change the drop rates to something reasonable. If I want the Chromas I'll get them in the in-game broker or trade and yeah...probably pay too much fake money for my fake cosmetic. If you keep buying and rewarding DBG for what they are doing, you have little grounds for complaint.

  11. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    Yeah, it turns out that you don't actually have telepathic powers and people have different opinions. Claiming that everyone agrees with you, and the devs know what you all agree on, is a flat out lie.

    Try speaking for yourself. You're not actually entitled to speak for others, and the gambit of trying makes people look ridiculous every single time.

    You don't want the offered stuff? Fine. So don't buy it.
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  12. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    There are no free speech rights to a privately-owned platform. That said, telling someone to shut up is free speech. Disagreement is not suppression of even an imaginary and non-existent "right."
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