Why Am I In Combat?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Elijah Seed, Aug 19, 2022.

  1. Elijah Seed Well-Known Player

    I'm clueless why this continues to happen and would just like to know why it does.

    It doesn't matter what open world zone I'm in but from time to time I will find myself in combat...event though I'm not in combat. There are no adds ANYWHERE near me, I am SAFELY out of range of ANYTHING hostile and...suddenly I'm in combat.

    It happens if I'm just standing still on a rooftop, it happens when I'm flying WAY UP HIGH, it happens when I zone into an open world zone - my nameplate turns red and my character changes to combat stance. And then I have to wait anywhere from one to twenty seconds for my nameplate to go back to white and then the five additional seconds before I can start moving normal again.

    I have tried to see if I can find out why this continues to happen but can't. I cannot make it happen at will. It just randomly happens from time to time. And it is annoying when it does. It has been happening primarily in the newest episode zones where I spend most of my time but it also happens in the old open world zones of Metropolis and Gotham City when I've gone there.

    Am I being attacked by Brainiac's exobytes trying to undo my characters' metahuman status and make them normal people again?

    I just wish it didn't happen anymore.

    Thanks for reading.
  2. myandria Item Storage


    Some enemies, like the Dark Robins, have a LOOONG Line of Sight and tracking; they will see you before you see them and they will track you for a few feet after you leave the immediate area. Also, certain pets will trigger aggro if they are activated when you zone. I have found this true with the Grimoire Artifact Pet; sometimes it will pop out to attack without me targeting anything.

    My solution, especially for the new content, is to log out well within the safe zones to avoid triggering aggro from unseen spawns.
  3. BumblingB I got better.

    I've not experienced to your extent, but I have noticed that new zones have weird hate tables. Like when you kill something, it takes an exorbitant amount of time before you are out of combat. (I like to kill then warp rally.)

    I also noticed that if I fly "near" not "over" any bounty, I'm placed into combat. Which, at first, I thought I aggro'd the bounty, but the bounty never moves or stops to engage/chase me.

    Finally, I've randomly gotten into combat and can fly across a map and still be in combat until I'm in the "safe zone" area.

    Note, these are all in the Death Metal Area and sometimes in the Doomed Washington DC area. I've not experienced it elsewhere. Which means that there could be something they changed with how things aggro you. Especially Death Metal DC, which I believe a newer dev built the area.
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  4. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Yeah, I'd guess you got closer than you thought. I know I've run into this a lot when moving from daily to daily in an OW area, thinking I'd be in the clear....but SOMETHING saw me and got angry even though I never threw or took in a shot. Bounty areas are especially this way and I've been snatched out of the air when I though I was well clear of any 'danger' area.

    Not saying this is 100% the issue, but I know I've had it happen a lot.

    The one that kills me is when you die and respawn (flee...not rally) and are in combat for 5-10 seconds. I've combat locked myself many times, fleeing, then activating an armory to rush back in to the fray, but dang....now I'm armory locked because somehow my dead body was in combat. What's really funny about that is that when you are actually knocked out and lying on the floor....yeah, NOT in combat? Makes sense.;)
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  5. inferno Loyal Player

    open up your combat log and see what hit you.
  6. Elijah Seed Well-Known Player

    Maybe this also explains why I oftentimes receive the message "Vendor request failed" when trying to sell trash and have mission acquisition failure the first time I attempt to pick up a daily mission and have to make a second attempt before I acquire a mission.

    Not gamebreaking, just annoying. Cannot predict it, cannot reliably reproduce it but it happens almost every single day. Only logging out and back in fixes it (the "Vendor request failed" issue.) Which sucks when inventory space is low AND I've been in queue for 20 minutes or more.

    Every MMO has it's special problems.
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  7. BumblingB I got better.

    This is due to the quest giver/vendor disappearing when you are interacting with them. It is something the devs can fix.
  8. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    OMG...this. At the beginning of a DLC I run several toons through the dailies to build up marks for the eventual release of the 'cosmetics'. I do it with my brain turned off and honestly hardly notice that I've killed about 1/2 the required number of adds/cogs before I notice that I don't have the mission in question. Not sure what the deal is, but this has happened to me more times than I care to count and I'm not sure it ever happened before.

    It's more annoying when it's one of the 3 weekly missions as I'll go over and kill a dark knight or Batmage then go in to turn the quest only to find WW or Phantom Stranger still has an exclamation...not a question mark for the turn in. I do pay more attention, so it doesn't happen often now, but yeah....it still happens a lot where you don't get the mission pickup when talking to one of the NPCs that give them and need to open a second dialog if you are paying attention.
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  9. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    That may explain why one of my alts has two of the three x/5 counters in sync and one out of sync. I could have sworn I always did missions in sync on that character.
  10. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Yeah...that happened to me too. And as I like them to all happen at the same time (I actually do them the NEXT day with my dailies as the lantern ones overlap then turn in first to get the +1 count), I actually blew 2 off for a day to get them back in sync....a few times.

    Seems to happen if you go to the NPCs too fast. You hit circle on them and they do their 'filler' dialog that they'd say if you already had the mission checked out but not finished vs bringing up the mission acceptance screen. PITA and again...I think only ever happened this DLC.
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  11. Elijah Seed Well-Known Player

    I think so, too. I cannot recall ever experiencing this specific issue prior to this episode. Same with the "Vendor request failed" issue.
  12. FoolsFire Devoted Player

    I've also experienced transporting into a zone and noticing my health bar went down for some reason.