While we wait something to ponder

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Xpung3d, Jul 26, 2017.

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  1. Xpung3d New Player

    For all the f2p and premium players who are spamming the forum with their "why don't I get this stuff too, I spend money" and their rebuttals to those saying buy a membership if you want it "you're just supporting a greedy conglomerate sapping your money", I offer the following.

    If you want free stuff pay $15 a month. If you just want new content buy it every 2-6 months. As for me supporting their "greed", they are a corporate entity, their whole purpose is to make money. The day UNICEF puts out a game for charity you can use that argument. If you want food you pay for it, that money goes to a corporation, they make a profit, they pay their employees, just like Daybreak and the company you work for. If you don't understand supply side economics and what a for profit company is go back to school instead of playing this game because you are lacking and life is going to chew you up and spit you out. If you want more in life, which I do, you pay more in life, which I do. Plain and simple, cut and dry, no arguments excuses or exclusions.
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