topic. I was salving some stuff yesterday from the t6 duos and un-needed stuff from the t6 alerts as well as other junk in my inventory, and noticed most of the armor gives 1 prestige, but then I noticed some gave almost 3k. is there a particular style? body piece? or anything that gives more prestige?
The stuff you buy from vendors with marks is worth the prestige, the other stuff is dropped and is generally more useful as salvage.
Currently the highest prestige you'll get is from the T6 94 gear you can buy from vendor, the piece that gives the most prestige is the weapon followed by the chest and legs and so forth.
The reason for the 1 prestige is not due to the style but due to the cash value of the gear. The tier 5 and tier 6 drops have a high enough cash value to also have a 1 prestige value. It has nothing to do with the style itself but the value of the gear. The following conversions are taken into account in prestige value calculations: Cash - 0.00078 Marks of Triumph - 0.082 Marks of Power - 138 Marks of Fury - 69 Marks of Valor - 1 Marks of Legend - 11 Some of the above may be combined if items have more than one type of value, i.e. vendor gear that costs marks and cash to buy. Also, the above is likely to change soon due to the number of complaints that larger leagues are tributing prestige so fast that they reach the cap within minutes of reset (sad, I know).