Which Power have You Seen Top DPS

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by RamsesVIIX, Mar 30, 2013.

  1. Wildfire New Player

    Thats bollocks, Gadgets is probably the most OP powerset in the game right now. Gadgets & HL are neck and neck for a lot of the raids, but when it comes to things like prime and other major single target stuff, Gadgets is way too strong right now. Hell even in gates gadgets can keep up with HL if the guy is decent enough.
  2. neptunesBeard New Player

    Cr85 Ice DPS. I'm usually at the top when I run T4 raids
  3. Ogat New Player

    And now please go to the previous page, scroll just a little bit down. Then look at Your post again. Reading and thinking a lil bit before writing sth helps a lot. But to avoid any more confusion I was beeing sarcastic. I found the example of switching HL to gadgets as a defence of the "it's the player " stand point hilarious.
    Is it clear now?
  4. Grid Ion Committed Player

    Sarcasm is a concept people don't normally understand here :rolleyes:
  5. Wildfire New Player

    I cant be bothered reading back. I really dont care that much, i came in and browsed its that simple, if you want a competition of intellect we can go elsewhere and talk about Advanced accounting, economics, and other financial related areas, otherwise scram because im not interested in your tiny forum ego boost mentality.
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  6. Ogat New Player

    Uh oh.
    Oh well what can You do.
  7. Harlequin Devoted Player

    So you know a lot about a little. Got it.
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  8. X-zero Loyal Player

    I have seen all powers top the board. Lately gadgets and hard light are most likely to top the charts. Overall through the history of the game I have seen hard light top the board the most.
  9. shaun10656 New Player

    i would love to see earth dps top the charts
  10. Wilder Midnight New Player

    the magic eight ball says "yes".
  11. Mad9 New Player

    The question is: Is the power set itself OP or is it the player and known rotations and efficient DPS resulting out of them OP? It is because, players of a specific power set discovered ways to maximize their DPS potential or the power set class by design is OP?
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  12. Old Gravyleg New Player

    It's funny to see all these posts talking about "skill of the player".

    You guys have to realize that the skill ceiling on this game is low. Super duper low. Can you left click 2 times and then hold left click? Can you press keys 1-6? You can? Congratulations, you've now mastered dps with almost every power in dcuo. Can you press 1-6 and then hold left click, hold right click? Congratulations, you've now mastered HL dps. This game is a joke in the skill department.

    Decent gamers and great gamers are equal in this game. I imagine the guys who are actually bad at this game have no phalanges.

    With that said, all that's left is choosing the right power. HL is by far the strongest, with gadgets (1h required) a close second. I get a good chuckle every time I see someone talk about the skill of the player.
  13. Mad9 New Player

    SEEMS, YOU DON'T PVP MUCH! Your notion of skill is simply a power or weapon rotation. Nothing I can say to beat that.

    Can you define what you count as skill and which game meets your approval in terms of skill benchmarks?
  14. Old Gravyleg New Player

    Skill is a learned ability to carry out tasks to reach pre-determined results. This game requires very little skill in both pvp and pve.

    You're right, I don't pvp much. I only pvp in games that are worth of playing competitively. These guys can't even balance pve. PVP is even more of a joke with people getting punished for BB's 5 seconds after the fact, or being blocked by a guy who's lunging. You expect me to be able to take this seriously?

    If you want to see some games with a high skill ceiling take a look at Unreal Tournament 2004, take a look at Starcraft 2, even take a look at WoW, then take another look at DCUO and realize this is the king of unskilled casual mmo's where the guy who chose the right powerset or loadout will win 100% of the time.

    edit:: Not to mention, this topic is about pve. Reading comprehension is fundamental.
  15. RamsesVIIX New Player

    When I was cr85hl I was totally destroyed by an Earth DPS in Prime. He was hella awesome. Had a combination of Might and Precision. And was like 200k above everyone easy.
  16. Clutch Committed Player

    Positioning, clipping speed, and awareness are a few things that bad and non dps always forget to mention when talking about how easy it is to dps. I've seen similarly geared players using the same loadout, but one gets outdamaged by 100k+, usually because he is lacking in one or all of these areas.
  17. Ink Soul New Player

  18. Dee Pius New Player

    If you are on the USPS3 villain side, I would love to show you one. Still need my raids for the week. Earth is strong and pretty quick, ala gadgets.

    Btw I have seen (& been) every power (&) lead an instance in Damage Out... It's usually a skill thing, vs. a "who's got the better powerset" thing. That said all powersets are not created equal, for every instance/raid/player/playstyle.
  19. Pew New Player

    Ahhh, another one of these let's covertly brag about our damage threads...
    I'll bite. 2vs2 Batcave Arena, Nature healer, solo queue:
    (yes, prenerf swarm ;p)
    Your turn! And no 30minute runs of raids that should take 15mins plz.
  20. Aggronator New Player
