Which Dcuo Do you want back exactly?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Lord Jareth, Feb 29, 2020.

  1. BƖack Dedicated Player

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  2. Walvine Well-Known Player

    I once upon a time before playstation 4 I dreamt of a dcuo in where miss match location error never occured at random , maybe they will repair that glitch permanently after switching support to playstation 5 spec ....
  3. L T Devoted Player

    The problems with the original system:
    • Because PI was such a factor, and because of the buff you got for using certain abilities in certain orders, it was hard to find a good rotation.
    • Also because of the above, there were very large imbalances across the power sets
    • If you didn't burn through your entire power bar as a DPS inside of 12 seconds, you were doing it wrong. This led to trolls being reduced to pure batteries.
    • Since nobody wanted to just be a battery, trolls became very difficult to find.
    • Because of all of these factors, (and partly due to content design) lots and lots of roles failed because of bad DPS.
    WM was an attempt to fix those problems. It was training wheels for DPS. It was utterly imbalanced and out of whack. It sucked in almost every conceivable way. Except for the ping, of course. Everybody loved the "ping!" when they clipped just right.
    The early passes at Revamp were literally this. Testers HATED it. Play from the tray was utterly inferior to clipping weapons, people hated being out of power, and there was a never-ending stream of negative comments about it. It's all archived for posterity in the test feedback if you don't want to take my word for it.
  4. The Doctor Time Lord Committed Player

  5. inferno Loyal Player

    I'm fine the way things are BUT if they could reverse what they did to Old content combat where we all were able to easily solo after passing 3 tiers above relevant content; things would be better.
  6. Stanktonia Dedicated Player

    Wait so were the dove tails removed, exactly how they were pre gu35? And they could’ve easily implemented a power back mechanic to fix the power issue. This is why there needs to be a test server on ps4
  7. Whodini Well-Known Player

    I honestly don't mind the "new DCUO". I like augments (much better then farming exobits ad nauseam only to switch out exobytes on your gear constantly).

    My main issue is the obvious money making scheme with seals. Grinding hundreds of source marks and tons of nth metal should be enough to level up artifacts.
  8. SekretVillain Loyal Player

    2011-2013 dcuo when dcuo was actually fun and skill based, not this BS we have now.

    Cutoff point would be before they decided to do WM/AMs so possibly 2011-2012ish?
  9. SekretVillain Loyal Player

    And reason I say cutoff would be before am/wm days is because at least with original DC all support roles were needed not just some. People were taking trolls heal and tanks into alerts months into a DLC' life.

    Now though your good to see even 1 unless YOU queue in as the healer.
  10. SekretVillain Loyal Player

    To show how many of us on this forums alone dislike the current state of the game and would rather have the better more fun version we actually enjoyed back.