Where Does DCUO Test Save Screenshots?

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by Jack T. Chance, Aug 24, 2021.

  1. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    Quick question. I'm trying to take and save some screenshots from the Test Server, style ideas I want to reproduce on the Live Server.

    I've checked in Windows, where the regular game saves screenshots, and nothing's there from the DCUO Test Install.

    Can anyone tell me where DCUO Test stores the screenshots? Thanks.
  2. RTX Well-Known Player

    Curious why no one answered you already.

    It should be saved in Documents/MyGames/DCUniverseOnline/ScreenShots (Users/Name/Documents)
    It normaly should be there whatever version you´ve installed (Steam,Test, Live)
  3. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    Yeah, that was the first place I looked, but none of my screenshots from the Test Server were there. o_O

    I ended up reactivating the Windows 10/Xbox Game Bar, and using its Screenshot feature instead. It got the job done. :cool:
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  4. Yvtq8k3n The 7 Well-Known Player

    I usually play on windows mode(unfortunately there is currently no borderless)

    If you didn't know on w10, if you press Crtl+Shift+S you will get a selection tool that gives you a screen shot.
    You can also use the key: Print screen to get a full screenshot.
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