Whats The Worst Part of DCUO

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by neidler, Dec 16, 2013.

  1. neidler New Player

    So I made the best of thread so the logical next step would be a worst thread.
    Is it the lag, wonky battle mechanics, unbalanced powers, lack of content outside of battles, glitches, some of the community? Something else?

    Im kinda torn but I think that content outside of combat is lacking, I would like to have more side activities to give me options outside of just killing stuff, dont get me wrong the combat is sweet I would just like to have options where I can play around in a sort of metta game I know we have the broker, collections, ect but I want a more immersive selection of activities where I can evolve my character outside of just the scope of what we have now.

    just more options to the gameplay evolve it to be more rpg than just action.
    To be clear I love the action I just wish there was more to do outside combat like if you could mash up skyrim, final fantasy, sims,civilazation, dcuo, and assassins creed and just make some epic game where combat is one of endless options to gameplay
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  2. WonderCleric New Player

    Personally? The endgame grinding -- it is so very different than the first 30 levels. And the modding. I just hate modding.
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  3. CrimsonGlyde New Player

    For me it boils down to 3 things.

    1. Audio glitches. It can be via sound, chat features, the club music (WHY HAS THE CLUB MUSIC NOT BEEN FIXED! This was an issue at launch with the PS3 version!).

    2. Community - A lot of young kids playing this game which naturally seems to transition over to a somewhat rude community in game. Not sure if this is only an issue with the PS3/PS4 version of the game or if it is happening on PC as well.

    3. I wish they added another city / larger area to explore. I would like the game to feel a little bit more like an open world MMO than an online action game. With that said, as an online action game it is great! I have a lot of fun with it when I come back 1-2 months each year to do some of the new content. Sadly I don't believe the game has quite enough content to keep me interested beyond 1-2 months per year. Thus I cannot make it my main mmo.

    Those are my 3 main issues.
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  4. lilithmoon New Player

    Lack of decent styles, repetitive raids/alerts/etc, dull PVP, nothing to do outside of the 'on duty' menu, and lack of decent styles.
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  5. Campor Well-Known Player

    The customization for me is a big issue. After coming from games like City of Heroes and Champions Online, this is SUPER restrictive.
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  6. CrimsonGlyde New Player

    If I had to add a 4th thing to my list customization would be it lol.
  7. Ice Lantern New Player

    Players like this.
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  8. compasionate grenade Committed Player

    open world pvp.

    Ninja invite some noobs standing in front of ur policestation or safe house and lead an attack to opposition hq/club.
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  9. MAXILIANO Loyal Player

    Interesting ... What could I tell? Actually not too many things. But the few that exist personally make me very sad:
    1 The imbalance between the powers. Mainly between DPS and tanks.
    2 The fact that we can not use the languages ​​available in the game.
    3 the distribution of powers of 15 points.
    4 The gaming community.

    Well .. This is what I consider the worst of the game.:confused:
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  10. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    It's inability to scale the content to the skill levels of the players. When I first started this game it seemed to pride itself on being a skill based game. But what's the point if there is no content for the skilled to do. But at the same time what's the point if most people can't play the content. It'd be nice if we could get novice/expert stuff in the future.
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  11. Abaddon2012 Well-Known Player

    Almost everything in this game is turning out horribly. From farming constantly to mod the gear ya finally get all the way to freezing in raids. There are soo many little things in this game that ruins the fun.
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  12. ThatGuyLee Committed Player

    For me its the community at times.
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  13. TKMcClone Steadfast Player

    Feat chasing:
    1) When it is dependent on help from others
    2) When it requires research to 'find were something drops' and then fruitlessly grind for it in random drops.
    Ultimately, this could kill the game for me... I feel like I can't truly 'complete' things because they are not within my control.
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  14. Poetic Play Committed Player

    Hmm... The current state of PvP.

    Also... One that is a bit odd, because it's bad and great at the same time. The differences between powers. While that's good because you want variety... The bad side is that SOE has no idea how to effectively balance them when they are all so different.
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  15. WonderCleric New Player

    What's wrong with disliking certain aspects of the game? That was the question. I answered honestly.
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  16. Death Throe New Player

    What's The Worst Part of DCUO?

    Reading threads like this!
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  17. Caligulus Committed Player

    It's weak in many stages: PvP, linear and predictable, cheap mechanics for enemies, practically no incentive to "explore" the maps, etc...
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  18. retched Well-Known Player

    I'm sorry... as much as I participate in those kind of threads/starting them... This is true.
  19. Magical Reset Committed Player

    Children are allowed access to this game.
  20. Sechuran Fox Dedicated Player

    Top four things for me:

    1) The community. Singularly the worst MMO community I've ever been a part of. Not even talking about the forums (which are about standard for an MMO). I always think its odd that the in game community is worse than the forums here, where normally its the other way around.

    2) Lack of content. This game is very content light compared to other games I've played. Grind is one thing, but here it's really repetitive. This is across the board, solo, duo, alert and raid, although some areas are more deficient than others (T4 Challenges and Duos or T1 Raids for example). Also, not enough things to do other than the grind. No involved crafting system (I originally thought Gadgets would have me designing and building my own gadgets...), no little side games and activities. Nothing to really eat up my time and get me properly addicted, only highly repetitive grinding.

    3) Lack of customization. Both in appearance and in actual character development. Too many powers that aren't viable for end game content. Being forced into cookie cutter builds. Also, I think the role system is one of the worst things to ever happen to MMOs.

    4) This whole pvp/pve hybridization thing they keep trying. From what I've seen and heard, it's generally unpopular to both PvEers and PvPers. There's nothing wrong with keeping them separate. Many games keep them separate for a reason.
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