Whats Quantum Troll good at?

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by KeyuBaN, Nov 24, 2013.

  1. Obsisteret Well-Known Player

    It works fine with bosses and the close range wasn't too bad. I used it in the T5 raids without a problem.
  2. Heartsbane Committed Player

    With fast cooldowns you can debuff and apply PI's to more adds. Controlling is so much more than being a power battery. Applying the damage is beneficial for everyone. Gadgets can also be clipped incredibly fast. That allows us to get back to weapon regen and picking people up.
  3. TheRealDeathern New Player

    HL does have ranged debufss. Entrap has been changed for a long time now.
  4. TheRealDeathern New Player

    Entrap is mid range, whipthrash is close range. No compairson, especially in T5 raids...
  5. TheRealDeathern New Player

    The encase on mobs is there, but on bosses, where you really need it, not so much...
  6. KeyuBaN New Player

    well thank you guys for all your feedback. really helped me out alot!
  7. mgkaenzo Committed Player

    Then you are not a pro of hl, whiptrsh is mid range but it makes you go forward yes so you just need to clip it and then awsome it's exacty the same range as entrap. And as troll you have your bump to clip is that really hard to do that ?
  8. TheRealDeathern New Player

    LMAO. I played HL for about 2 years as a troll, not dps, I never had any problems buffing and entrap worked just fine, it would be even better if the range was long, but it certainly works if you know how to use the power as is... Yes, whip thrash makes you move forward, entrap has a decent mid-range that will keep you out of harms way...
  9. mgkaenzo Committed Player

    I never say that it was bad just that whiptrash was mid range and btw entrap debuff exist only since T5 came out.
  10. TheRealDeathern New Player

    And you made that point why? Although I havent played HL in several months, I switched to tank when our league tank stopped playing, it doesnt make what I said untrue. I loved HL trolling, we always got a bad wrap. It's just as good as any other power, more so in the hands of a "expert"
  11. Anarcho-Captain New Player

    IDK if it's just me, but my Quantum troll is like a troll w/ near DPS capability. Sorry, I don't know the names of the moves in my loadout, but I start w/ the big blue wave that makes adds take more damage from quantum attacks, immediately hit the gravity well & clip it w/ the one that gives your melee some bonus quantum damage, throw a singularity (there you've got all kinds of ticks coming off of them) then spam them like crazy w/ long distance attacks. My charged dual wield attacks frequently get 1000+ hits, and usually at least 550-650 hits. If it's safe to be right next to the adds, then I'll dive in w/ the 9 press spinning dual wield move & get crazy damage done.

    On top of this, even after doing all those moves, plenty of power left over to keep dishing out power to my team (and the melee attacks help make sure of that too). In fact, I find that in situations where I need to dish out a lot of power, clipping the dual wield's charge attack w/ my power out move, then charging the attack again, I can string together some good damage & get a bunch of power out to everyone.

    Also, you can stop adds in their tracks & get them all grouped together for better AoE damage with the moves I've mentioned on here. I believe I got some of my loadout from ORBIT's DPS guide on YouTube, & supplanted part of it to be able to do effective troll work.
  12. Daitoso0317 Active Player

    How would you set up a melee troll, Im trying to set up a speedster/time manipulator character and melee range would mix well with a couple superspeed abilities
  13. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    You're replying to someone that hasn't logged in since 2013. Stop resurrecting old threads. If you have a question either start your own post or ask in a thread that isn't older than 2018.
  14. Daitoso0317 Active Player

    Im nit trying to, I forgot to chack the date, also what do you mean by resurecting threads?
  15. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    It's a dead thread. It doesn't belong on the front page.
  16. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    All he did was ask a question lol

    There is no such thing as a melee troll. Trolls primary jobs are to keep debuffs up and keep the group powered (within reason). No speed ability will apply debuffs. So you won’t be able to do your job as a troll. If anything you’ll end up hurting the group.

    As a troll you must have certain key abilities that you can’t not use.
    Defense debuff
    Group power heal

    These 2 are pretty much mandatory and not be removed.

    You’ll also want a damage debuff which is pretty much mandatory but CAN be without, thou I wouldn’t recommend not using it.
    A healer debuff is more situational. With bosses that heal you must use it. Bosses that don’t it is unneeded.

    The group sc shield isn’t exactly mandatory, but I wouldn’t recommend not having it unless you’re doing a specific build.

    A typical troll loadout is:
    Defense debuff
    Attack debuff
    Group power heal
    Heal debuff
    Personal shield (for pick ups)
    Group sc shield

    If you’re using the BoP artifact you can use blitz ability instead since it will apply all 3 debuffs. This will save you 2 slots.
  17. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Yeah in multiple old threads spanning from 2013, 2014, 2015... You don't just stumble into outdated threads you have to actively search for threads that old.
  18. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Not necessarily. He could’ve just googled for a topic and added “dcuo forums” and it would’ve given him a list of the threads. And while hey it’s a dead thread and will likely not get help there, it’s not like he’s doing anything wrong. You could’ve very easily ignored him too.
  19. Daitoso0317 Active Player

    Thanks, Im still trying to learn how this all works, Trolls are the role im least familiar with as the last mmo i came from jsut had healers, tanks and dps,

    Other question tho, does that mean that controllers are in charge of power restoration and not healers?
  20. Daitoso0317 Active Player

    I put a search term in the search bar and read the thread, then asked a question, I wasnt specifically hunting for old threads, but I repeat ehat do you mean by ressurecting a thread, how does me commenting put this thread on the front page?