Work In Progress What's Next For DCUO: New Plans For Future Episodes.

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by Spytle, Apr 9, 2015.

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  1. Veritech Loyal Player

    Hi Mepps,

    If the optional stat clamped lower instances are still intended (not heard much about this lately), will these reward mov as if you are at that tier bracket?
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  2. Greenman_x Steadfast Player

    Honestly? Probably replay sales. The more people forced into running the same content over and over in order to progress, the more likely they reset because the option to run other content to progress no longer exists.

    I don't see why there has to be a hard cutoff anywhere TBH. The marks I get from running older content should just be reduced depending on the content I run, just like prestige, but far less extreme. I should be getting at least 1 mark per instance, regardless of tier, even if that means increasing the vendor gear price to compensate.
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  3. blazeing fire111 Devoted Player

    Are you going to decrease the price of the episodes? From what I am understanding the amount of the content we will be getting in a month IS NOT worth 10 dollars.
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  4. Tiime_Lapse Well-Known Player

    . This is gonna be a problem. What are gonna be the costs of the episodes since they will have less content in each one than previously?. If premiums are gonna have to spend almost triple the money for the same amount of content we where getting before.... The devs & community better start treating premiums better and not like trash like they've been. If we are gonna be spending more money now..... premiums should get more perks like higher cash cap, early access to content just like legendary & not be left out of handouts given for bugs like the recent LP. If we are expected to pay more and they expect to not give more to premiums then the devs have put the final nail in the coffin for alot of players and I would expect a drastic drop off of population
  5. llloki209ll New Player

    The old content will still drop gear right? And I believe the the mark of victory cap should be raised, i would basically have to be maxxed out to pay rent. I dont think that would be fair.
  6. Lord Jareth Steadfast Player

    A league mate wanted me to ask.
    since We are removing marks of trumph from the game
    are they still allowed to convert Marks of Valor To Marks Of victory is that a no go?o_O
  7. Isikel New Player

    Ok, I saw that. I misunderstood your inferred meaning of "normalized", believing it solely meant to exemplify our returning to the original/normal state like we had prior to Amazon Fury: one mark system.

    After re-reading, I see I missed the bullet point showing how gear costs were being standardized.
    Which explains why the "Equipped CR determines reward" idea won't work, but just brings up the question: Why standardize the gear costs? Seems to me, if the cost of each tier was still inflating, queue times would stay the same and high-tier players would not be able to trivialize progression with the fractional rewards they could get from low-tier content if allowed to play with clamped stats or missing gear.

    Maybe I am wrong. Maybe I underestimate exactly how many low-tier players are queuing up for low-tier content at any given time. Either way, I like most of the changes and can live with the rest. Appreciate your continued substantial efforts to grow and improve the game.
  8. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    That's a lot - I'll answer what I can.

    1. Elite raids are not time-limited. They are available permanently.
    2. Test server will be used much as it is now, with new content hitting there before live.
    3. Leveling alts and getting past styles will take the same simplified Mark. We expect little impact on alts and leveling, as more players spend more time in the content, without being pulled instantly to the top.
    4. Eventually when content is old enough and you have gotten all of its rewards, it won't reward you anything for running it.
    5. Marks over the cap will be lost. Spend them!
    6. You can get started with a few pieces of vendor gear. This is the primary reason for setting the cap.
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  9. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    time to pony up that $120 for legendary for a full year ;)
  10. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    The only thing impacted by relevancy is Marks. Everything else still is rewarded.
  11. Valsmurf Loyal Player

    I'm sorry Mepps, I'm afraid I don't follow. Sorry if i have misinterpreted something. What do you mean by "the whole tier through 5"?

    Does this mean new players can get into higher tier content without having the cr? I'm sorry, I really don't mean to be rude or anything, I just don't understand your response. :oops::oops::oops:

    Could you give us a quick example of the options a fresh level 30 has to gear up fast?
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  12. Remander Steadfast Player

    Awesome, thanks!
  13. Tygerfyre Committed Player

    Something to keep in mind when you're pricing these new, smaller episodes.

    We've already basically had two price increases on DLC. First, features like Legends and amenities like armories were split out that previously would have been part of DLC, while the price remained $10 each. Then, we had the recent revamp of the Marketplace which effectively made those changes retroactive to all old DLC bundles, and increased the overall price for someone who wanted to stay premium, especially if they wanted to collect Legends.

    Please don't go to the well for a third time and overcharge for the episodic content. If $10 worth of content was what we would have gotten, without Legends or game mechanics like armories or movement modes, then splitting it across 3 months should not suddenly make that same content worth much more than $10.
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  14. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Standardizing gear costs and rewards allows us to have that sliding window of relevancy going forward, and just one simple mark. You always know what a piece of content rewards, and you always know what your next piece of gear costs. Otherwise, each new piece of content needs to reward differently and each new piece of gear needs to cost differently, and that's exactly what we're moving away from.
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  15. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Check out the list of relevancy bands. A player leveling has the entire band relevant and available, which means the ability to get marks from a wide selection of instances.
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  16. Lt Skymaster Dedicated Player

    How much will synthetics mods will cost? 5 Marks of Victory? Even if they're low tier synthetics like Synthetic III?
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  17. Pingvinozavr Dedicated Player

    Actually it's 4 months.
  18. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Actually, it's 3-month cycles.
  19. ArchibaldIII New Player

    There might be a slight confusion as MoV could mean Valor or Victory.

    Like the changes though. :)
  20. Tygerfyre Committed Player

    I'm not sure why this was a problem that needed to be solved. People expect each piece of gear to cost more. It's logical. It really makes no sense that a pair of gloves always costs the same amount, no matter what level it is. It made sense that older content rewarded less, and the gear at those tiers cost less, while still keeping that content relevant. It also meant that if you missed styles while leveling up, you could go back for them and not pay exorbitant prices for them. Now, if someone doesn't get all the vendor gear at a particular tier, they're faced with a Sophie's Choice of buying new gear with their hard-earned marks, or filling in the lower styles.

    Any idea how this will affect the Merit feats? I can't see anyone grinding out 25,000 Marks of Victory to get them. Maybe scale the purchase price of the Merit Badges such that one MoV gets you 'x' badges towards the feat?
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