What're your plans for this St Patrick's Day? (2013)

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by Mary, Mar 10, 2013.

  1. Mary New Player

    I myself plan to go to Church (I'm a Deist, but I do like the community and free food and the bit of drink with bread once a week :-3 and to put in my hour or so of thinking of God so I can focus on other stuff the rest of the week) Then party on DCUO, then party go out and party at Dublin Underground, the best bar in town, where I know all the bartenders and tendresses, plus the owner and his brother are like family to me. So I hope to get drunk there, then come home and maybe chat with a friend for a while until I fall asleep.
    Oh and I'll probably make a St Pattie's Day treats for my friends at the bar too, as I do every holiday.

    So, what're your plans?
    Please tell!

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  2. Mary New Player

    :-( No one likes my post :-(
  3. CodaTheWOlf New Player

    Love the funny picture of Batman being grumpy, what the heck? LOL
  4. Itazuki New Player

    Going to the bar down the street for some free green beer.

    Then maybe off to my friend's party to hang out some. Nothing special but... Eh it's fun.
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  5. Zypher New Player

    Same thing I do every other St. Patty's day.. get s***faced then regret it in the morning.
  6. Kroye Loyal Player

    When is he not?

    For the day, I'm not sure what I'll do - typically it isn't celebrated in my home (wife+3 kids here, so we don't typically do much) but they'll be away on Sprint Break this year so I may hit the pub around the corner for a change.
  7. Mary New Player

    You and the kids might make some green cookies and things, doesn't always have to be purely for adults :-3
  8. Kroye Loyal Player

    True, but it's more of a time/responsibility thing - with everything we have going have from our jobs (each working 50+ hours a week), taking care of 3 children, keeping up with chores and housework/yard work / car maintenence, the last thing I'll have the time/energy for is a celebration of the arrival of Christianity in Ireland.

    It would tie into their heritage, but it's just not the most important thing we have going on.

    Had the wife and I fewer responsibilities, we would celebrate it. (We always did in the past, but that ended when my career shifted gears, we added twin sons, and bought a house.) I have nothing against celebrating the day and I wish I had the time and energy for it, it's just not an option right now.

    We do make sure to celebrate most other holidays with the boys, including New Years Eve - I let the twins stay up to watch the countdown, and usually wake Mrs. Kroye up just before midnight for a quick kiss. There's never work or school the next day though, so New Year's Eve gets celebrated :p
  9. Mary New Player

    Aaaactually, the real reason for St Pattie's Day might surprise you. I've posted it on here sometime before, but here:

    Though idk if you'd want to tell your kids that story until they're a bit older and know more about the Inquisition and such things.

    And, that's terribly sad how you don't really have time to spend time together as a family any more :-( (tears form) Not to be too emotional, but that's rather heart breaking. It's sad how the economy has taken such precious moments away, your kids won't be young forever. :-/ But I understand you have to put bread on the table and keep them alive. I really wish times were better..though somehow that's very ironic, considering this Irish holiday we're talking about. (Irish and hard times and all and family)

    (Many many hugs for you and your family) I very much hope sometime you'll get to spend more time with them and still stay afloat.
  10. Kroye Loyal Player

    lol, no - I never said I don't have "family time" with the kids...you're either trolling or misunderstanding. We do have plenty of family time - playing the in backyard when I get home from work each night, sitting down for dinner together , nightly homework sitting at the table together, reading 30 minutes together before bed, cubscouts and karate each once a week. ..and that's just weeknights. Weekends we typically spend all day together. I'm just not willing to give up any of that to celebrate St. Patty's Day. Plenty of family time ;)

    I know the history of the day - I kinda see "converted everyone else in the country to Catholicism" to be the same as "arrival of Christianity in Ireland", but maybe that's not the right way to look at it.
  11. Tesseract Prime Dedicated Player

    I've always been a bit perplexed at the number of people who celebrate St Patrick's day, but I chalk it up to a) good advertising by Guiness, and b) sentimental Americans that still think they're Irish.
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  12. Conduit New Player

    To be honest I never really do anything for St. Pat's... Closest thing I can think of is finding something green to wear to school. [When I was in school]
    But now, I'm probably just gonna find a way to watch Boondock Saints 1 & 2 and chill... With, uh... Someone QQ
  13. Faust74 Loyal Player

    Same thing I do every year. Nothing.
  14. MercPony Devoted Player

    I plan to make potatoes au gratin (we make potato dishes every year on St Patty's) and play games... maybe drink some but I don't drink much anyway.
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  15. Battle Man Committed Player

    Riding ATVs with my lovely wife.
  16. ARI ATARI New Player

    probably puke green
  17. Mary New Player

    Ha! That's what I ended up doing last St Patties Day (giggles)
  18. TormentorX Well-Known Player

    I will be working for the entire day, from 8AM on St Patty's to 8AM the next day. Otherwise would just probably be hanging out home. Not a drinker and like the gentleman above time is precious. My days off are rare and spent with the.family.
  19. ZeroAccess New Player

    I won't have my son so I'll either be an upstanding citizen and do some programming or I'll drink copious amounts of alcohol and pray I keep my pants on at least inside the bar.
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  20. Eric Cartmanez New Player

    i like to eat beef patties on saint pattie day.
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