Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by GhostRyder3000, Jan 15, 2023.

  1. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    We need some more “Dev Invasions” like we use to have. Back when I first started playing, there would be a Dev Invasion in places like Little Boh, where a Dev would spawn a super boss for all available players in the area to battle together for a really cool prizes at the end.

    It was a lot fun, I know I enjoyed it, and the prizes were neat auras or some kind of trinket for just showing off. It was a community building experience between the players and the team.

    I would love to see it return or something similar. More positive community building is also needed in this game.
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  2. Dene Devoted Player

    double post.. sorry
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  3. Dene Devoted Player

    Dev invasions are crazy! Ppl everywhere.. lots of fun though.. I even see names I recognise from forums etc

    Only negatives.. THE LAG lol
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  4. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    The Lag was part of the experience! Kinda like getting stuck sitting next to the loud, obnoxious guy at the movie theatre lol.
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  5. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

    Hey... I offered to share my popcorn.

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  6. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Yes….. lots of times :p
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  7. Amalgam Universe Online New Player

    ITS TIME FOR A CULTURE CHANGE AROUND HERE !!! Alot of us have great ideas, i just think an even better idea is for all of us to stop asking for things that won't help take the game to a higher plateau ,(im guilty too). We need to help our great DCUO DEV team to shift the focus to fixing, adding, and removing things that cause the game to get outshined by its competitors until we're caught up(will be posting more on that soon). Maybe stop coming out with new stuff for 1 year to help achieve this and finish with 1 episode that december to put us back on track? Then dripfeed us a bit of that episode every monday for a year. I'd like to see them stop doing a GOOD thing such as surprising us with content, and instead ,do a GREATER thing by picking from a list of items the majority of us asked for when they want to surprise us. DCUO is my fav game alltime , i don't think most of the community complains because we don't like the game, its because we disagree with the focus and direction the game continues to go in.
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  8. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

  9. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    That's where the signal-to-noise ratio problems set in. For every person that has a decent-to-good idea that would benefit the entire game (or a significantly sizeable portion of the playerbase), there's a bunch of other people that throw out ideas that range from bad to outright ridiculous. Worse, many of those people are utterly convinced that their ideas are the absolute best way to save the game and are either unwilling or unable to step back, check their ego at the door and listen to any dissent or criticism of those ideas. And on top of ALL of that, you have ideas put out there with claims that it would help the game as a whole but would only help that one person or part of the player base they belong to (which is usually far from the majority).

    And a lot of all that tends to forget (or just outright ignore) the fact that the devs have their own plans as well as mandates from THEIR bosses to deal with.

    There's nothing wrong with being passionate about the game and wanting to see it succeed as much as possible. But that passion really needs to be tempered with the realities we face. Otherwise a person is just setting themselves up for disappointment or frustration.
  10. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    The final day of the game, be it next week or 15 years from now should be every single boss in the game (mini and last) descending on Metropolis and Gotham. To hell with Lag, all instances closed, just 1 24 hour period of absolute mayhem.
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  11. Tolly Committed Player

    DCUO needs to be a bit more 2021 than 2011, refresh the gameplay to make it more dynamic and less unfair, stop the all advantage to the super speed, because they are the ones who are more likely to activate a button, they are the ones who have more time to be first in the fight, they are the ones who avoid danger more easily and they are the ones who are the only ones who can use an ability from their movement mode in a build, make the gameplay fair for everyone and not a horrible leapfrog gameplay, I've never seen a superhero act like that. ..

    The devs are sleeping too much on the capsules, artifacts and allies and forget that the current content of the game would also deserve a big refresh !!!
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  12. Amalgam Universe Online New Player

    mhm i think the artifacts should be REMOVED and their values and abilities divided up into our allies, buff trinkets, white base mods, iconic powers, innates, movement abilities, league buffs and adaptive augments. And because people spent money on arts, give THOSE people maybe double the values and abilities they lost so the consumer/user isn't left with a bad taste in their mouth for DCUO. Again im only suggesting this because the allies alone, have the potential to get the game closer to the popularity level of some of the more successful games. #TAKEDCUO2NEXTLEVEL!
  13. FluffyCloud99 Committed Player

    I dont know if you are actually being serious with this.

    PvP is not just a "Fix it. Its simple" thing.
    Artifacts need to balance. Powers, allies too. PvP is stale, nothing new has come from it. With the lack of people working on the game at the moment, they cannot afford to put so much resources and time into a game mode that only >10% of the population actually plays (10% includes those who quit it)
  14. Drathmor Unwavering Player

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  15. GhostRyder3000 Dedicated Player

    Didn't say it was simple.... Just pointing out that it's a need.

    The 10% thing might just be a circular argument.....
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  16. FluffyCloud99 Committed Player

    PvP doesnt earn them money. It wont be renewed until there is an actual purpose to it. Not many people play it, hence why its been left out
  17. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    I've never really understood this one, actually. I never really seen PvP as "broken", other than mental power cheesing with reflect lol. Is it really that broken? Or does it vary by platform?
  18. FluffyCloud99 Committed Player

    Since coming back i have not touched PvP much. But when i have, Krypto has destroyed me, Artifacts heal you to much. Tanks can pretty much live forever, Gadget trolls/or mental ones are to op, They reduce your defences, healing and damage while reflecting damage and using artifacts as a dps would. (Basically 2 roles in 1)
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  19. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    Perhaps, but I thought you can't use any of that in arenas?

    [Oh, and if you summon an ally on Xbox you gonna get roasted so bad in Shout chat lolz. Unwritten rules and stuff. Lolz]

    But arenas is the "true" PvP (apparently), and that never really seemed broken to me. People using cheesy tactics, sure, but they do the same in PvE.

    If it's balance problems, we are back to square one of asking them to balance powers in general, in which might "fix" PvP as well in the process? Who knows.

    I'd personally just rather them add stuff at it's current state (like 102 gear or something), because it doesn't seem too broken to me other than needing a few tweaks to certain powers here and there. Just personal opinion.

    Either way, I'd absolutely welcome any change, for sure.
  20. FluffyCloud99 Committed Player

    Its what i tell everyone. "PvP is not an easy fix. You have to balance powers, artifacts, movement skills, pets, EVERYTHING". It makes them no money too so why would they fix it? 101 pvp gear costs 0$ to do and can be done without replays too in roughly a month, depending how much you play
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