What REALLY makes people quit this game? O.o

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by xxProdigy, May 17, 2017.

  1. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    That's not fair at all, I could say the PC community is vile for bringing us gold bots and speed hackers, but I won't because it's wrong to judge an entire group like that.
  2. Saint Nutella Loyal Player

    I've taken breaks from the game a few times. Once right before sons of trigon came out (personal reasons), then I came back March 2014, took a break again when my friends quit plus AMs. I came back once again in October 2014 and I have only taken one break in 2015 because I was frustrated with PvP.

    What really irritates me about the game is seeing all the potential go to waste. I love the combat system of this game and guess what happens? AMs are introduced and PvP is screwed over and spit on. They've had the opportunity to make the marketplace great with all the superhero stuff.

    Another thing that bothers a great deal of players is the fact that membership doesn't seem as worth it like it was before. Mepps stated that it was no excuse because we have a lot perks which is true (I have a lot of respect for him but that comment pissed me off) but it's the quality of those perks. I remember wishing I could be subbed to unlock lockboxes and get 500 MP cash LOL.

    People only sub for unlimited money and extra inventory spaces tbh.
  3. Saint Nutella Loyal Player

    What an asinine statement. I can't stand this foolishness on the forums. Calling a whole community vile (which is way larger than the PC community) because of a handful of people. Really? Reminds me of that other ignorant child who said that they hate PC players because of speed hackers. Shameful.
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  4. Lionxoft Committed Player

    The gold bots aren't a problem and never were really. They didn't lead the economy into the pits like the PS players did themselves with the cash dup bug that got one of the biggest YouTube creators temporarily banned. On PC, an original plasmic aura would cost you 20m. You can't even get the rare items in the current set of bundles for 30m. As a PC player, I saw the immediate downturn in the quality of community. It's necrotic and it was oh so obvious.

    Another thing... Legends PvP. Good lord it's barely filled with any skilled players anymore. I almost feel bad for queuing up because I know they are going to get wrecked.
  5. Lionxoft Committed Player

    When a significant event (platform merge) causes the population to be filled with idiotic children and ultimately ruins a portion of the game that you love playing then it's not a far stretch to blame the community that caused the problem.

    Some problems the console crowd has contributed to:
    • Inflated Economy. Gold bots? Yeah, your own player base on console caused more inflation than any gold service ever has.
    • Poor Raid/Dungeon Etiquette. Don't queue if you haven't learned the mechanics or are willing to learn them.
    • Extremely Toxic Community. The PC server was never this bad. Even the most vile players there weren't anything like the trash I see in the chat.
  6. Hollow Gohan Well-Known Player

    The content being extremely easy is one thing a few have pointed out in this thread. Specifically Oly Reg and GoM Reg, are proof as to why they need to make the elite versions of each raid relevant again. These raids aren't extremely difficult, but at least they are a bit challenging, especially in comparison to the snooze fests we have in the regular raids. GoME is a great raid, and not nearly enough people ran it back when AFIII came out, and especially not now. I see shouts for it once or twice a week.

    You can't have the only incentive in running these raids be the renown/feats, since so many people don't care enough about running them for those. A lot of the individuals who cared enough got them done 5 months ago, and afterwards really never had a reason to run them again if not for helping leaguemates with a feat run.

    For these reasons, I echo the statement that the regular and elite raid loot should not be tied. You could reduce the regular raid loot for all I care, but at least in this fashion people would have an actual incentive to run both version of each raid every week or every two weeks. Sure enough though, this likely won't ever change.
  7. IamINC Dedicated Player

    Everything already said in the first page of this thread is all that is needed to show the people at DBG why they are losing loyal players by the day , casual gamers will only take you so far daybreak.

    For me personally, cash grabs and an out right refusal to fix bugs still in the game since forever.
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  8. Zlohsac Committed Player

    To be fair, the PC population was going extinct before the merger. Thus the reason they did the merger in the first place.

    PC players have way more options when it comes to MMOs and when this game started going downhill, they just went to any number of the other MMOs. This became a "console" game along time ago especially with them continuing support of the PS3.
  9. Saint Nutella Loyal Player

    "Your console " Um I'm a PC player, don't try that.

    Excluding some of the custom chats (which aren't necessary) the language hasn't changed for me and if it's so vile just ignore it. LFG rarely has any 'vile' language and trade chat is the same.

    Inflated economy is hardly a reason to blame a whole community.

    Poor raid etiquette. Again, almost every raid I get into 6/8 are PS players. Only 2/10 of the raids I'm in are corrupt.

    It's very ignorant to insult a WHOLE community for the issues of a handful. How ironic of you to call everyone else toxic when you just called an entire community vile. It's exactly like blaming the whole PC community for a handful of pc hackers, I'm sure the PS community didn't have as many.

    The fact that people still have this mentality over a year after the merge is sickening.
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  10. SigmaAtom Committed Player

    Well said!.. for the most part.. except.. that children thing. Lionxoft is 100% spot on with that!

    Ive known players who got sick of all the 10yos in game and left. you'd never see that on PC before the merge.
    to be fair its calmed down a little.. but maaan its still bad!
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  11. megamanzero Loyal Player

    i quit cause i lost my drive/motivation to keep playing. wasn't enjoying the content as much or the community. didn't like the a lot of the newer additions or changes either.
  12. Proxystar #Perception

    Ps3 is jailbroken and ps is not exempt from gold bots your statement is flawed.

    Thank you and have a nice day
  13. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    What's PS3 got to do with anything? And yes, technically there were gold bots before the merge, but I can count on one hand the amount of gold bots I saw before it.
  14. Unida Dedicated Player

    lack of engaging content

    huge time gaps between doing anything of note, and the loss of people between these points is more permanent than ever it seems.

    and, its just not as fun as it used to be. it's a great example of subtraction by addition in many cases.
  15. Isif Committed Player

    Sour community is why the game has suffered. The new class got to 30 in a day then piggybacked up to 190 in no time. Devs made endgame too accessible. Years of solid content got leapfrogged to accommodate this endgame grind. I'm pretty sure that this was done to sell "new" content even though you artificially "grow" out of relevancy windows. The new easy mode proposals are not that inspiring either. Even if they make the mechanics exciting again, the overall cash grab feel actually cheapens the memory for me. Enjoy your treadmill to nowhere...while wearing the newest bling, of course.:D
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  16. Saint Nutella Loyal Player

    I agree with this. Years of content and my alt (created beginning of May) is already at CR 144... and he's an alt. I know I've been playing for a while but you get the point. This is why there's a higher demand for content because people burn through the content.
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  17. Mirai Well-Known Player

    The soloable content gets waaaaaay too grindy after level 30. That's usually a game killer these days. Too many people like me don't like to raid. I wouldn't be sticking around myself if I didn't like the IP so much. Plus, altitis.
  18. the solowing Unwavering Player

    remember it used to be 3 months, due to players wanting it faster and faster they moved it to one, and quality suffered so they are going back to 3 monmth dlcs
  19. the solowing Unwavering Player

    alot of mmos do this... could you imagine having to grind out each expansion and it gear before being able to move on to the next? its a nightmare, theres a reason why overlap exists, so the transition from 1 expansion to the next is smooth, rather than a janky mess
    the halts progression every time 1 expansions endgame comes up. It WoW pulled that it be a nightmare getting players to level 110 while forcing them to go through 60/70/80/90/100 tiers of raiding just to get up to you, and with every expansion it only get worse

    I joined WoW during lich king, i didnt have to do AQ40, or Sunwell,or Black Temple if i did that wouldve been months of progressing, with their current expansion that be like 2 years of grinding just to get to endgame..if the next expansion doesnt come out before i get to endgame. This isnt a problem this is just people ******** feelings about "it took me a month and he got it in a week!" So what? the legacy players can then complain they had to do the batcave and FoS with tiered marks that are exclusive to that set while spoiled brats now have marks that are pretty much universal and can could be stockpiled and carried over to the next dlc
  20. Here2Help Devoted Player

    They're not going back to 3 month DLCs. They never said that. All they have said is they're going back to large content releases without mentioning quarterly releases anywhere. It is now instead roughly 6 months of waiting.
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