What happened with the ''graphical update'' plans ?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Tomazo, Sep 8, 2022.

  1. Tomazo Level 30

    So , there have been so many ''myths & legends'' about this already ..some people said the game will have entirely new ENGINE , some said its just going to be a small graphical improvement on the same engine, at first .. it was called a ''graphical update'' now its called a ''ps5 client'' i guess ? So , can SOMEONE clarify and CLEARLY explain what exactly are the plans because nobody knows what the hell is going to happen with the long waited update ?

    Thank you !!!
  2. GermanM Committed Player


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  3. Revolastion Active Player

    I already seen a huge graphical improvement from recently when i started playing again, i like the way it currently is now for (PC)
    if they do, do a huge graphics update then some people will have to upgrade parts on there PC's if they can't run certain specs that would be required for a huge graphical upgrade.
  4. Tolly Committed Player

    If I remember correctly, there is a planned graphical upgrade for the new gen, but not a new engine, but the devs are still reticent about this possible switch, which is a shame because Unreal Engine has stated that they have done what is necessary to make the switch to the new engine easier for MMORPG games, But on the one hand, it's understandable since there are a lot of changes and new devs at Daybreak, I guess if it's possible, it won't be for a while, or if it's in the works, it's still in secret.
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  5. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    The only thing that has been officially announced is that they are working on a PS5 and XBX client. None of that has anything to do with a major graphics update or a game engine upgrade. All this means for people playing DCUO on the PS5 and XBX will not be playing with an older client and have cleaner/smoother game play with the new client.

    There is a rumor of a major graphics update taken from an EG7 financial report but there has been no official announcement of a major graphics update.
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  6. Kuno Loyal Player

    Nodody really knows? yes
    It's scrapped or never really considered and only used it as a clickbait to give the players hope that the game is going to be really updated? Also yes
    This game is what it is, a loop of seasonal events and 2-3 recycled episodes a year. Take it or leave it.
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  7. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    It's a puzzle wrapped inside a riddle inside of an enigma...... or something like that. ;)

    More seriously..... we will have to will have to wait until next year to find out.
    But I doubt it will be a new engine..... most likely new textures like when we got the PS4 upgrade.

    Guess we will have to wait and see. :oops:
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  8. Jcal Dedicated Player

    Yoooo... a graphics update literally just happened! :p Read the update notes. Excited to log in later! :)
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  9. Sturmlocke New Player

    Ty for pointing this out. Sounds interesting tbh - step by step. :)
  10. FoolsFire Devoted Player

    Okay, explain this to me...

    Why can't they just leave the current game the way it is and use a new engine on all further content? I mean, we're warping here, warping there anyway. Why can't that just switch from one engine to another?
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  11. Trykz Dedicated Player

    Dcuo 2.0 scrap the whole thing start over please.
  12. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! This comment wins 2022.
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  13. Wallachia Devoted Player

    I really warned people in the forums when they saw one small snippet from an interview. I warned you all that speculating was dangerous.

    Now look at posts like this. People are disappointing over expectations that only exist in their heads because they read words that don't exist. Congratulations, you are the reason shampoo bottles warn people not to drink it.
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  14. KneelBeforeZodd Dedicated Player

    There is no new engine, not happening probably ever, they'd probably rather launch DCUO 2 than upgrade the engine because it would cost them less for more marketing. If anyone talks about a new engine or how easy it would be to upgrade they are delusional, devs already said it's nearly impossible and every other game dev knows it's a chore to update engines (It's hard enough updating engine versions sometimes lol).

    The update to PS5 is well know, but it's more of a performance upgrade due to the SSD and some PS5 stuff.

    The graphics update alongside "the biggest expansion to date" is probably not happening since they couldn't even keep up with regular content launches due to the lack the devs
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  15. Trykz Dedicated Player

    Guess that means no lmao
  16. NikoManiko Well-Known Player

    When we talk about visual update, was there some plan to add some new fight poses? I think i saw something on forum, but cant find it. Not sure if i was wrong, maybe it was just fan request.
  17. the solowing Unwavering Player

    Its that easy.
  18. GermanM Committed Player

    Because is not a "copy" "paste" thing, is a lot of work. they don't have all the staff they need and i believe the cost will be higher than the benefit´s otherwise they would have done that by now.

    Look the problem´s this game have, if they can´t even fix those what can you spect of take all to Unreal 4 or better?

    They would have to remade a lot of things, is hell. Besides i believe the engine is the less of the problem´s.

    Yeah there are thing´s they can improve, but look games like Guild Wars 2 or WOW, one have around the same age as this one and the other is like 8 year´s older, and they still kick around. Fix all the issues, balance all and improve game modes is more important to me now then change engine.
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  19. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    At the marketing firm I work for, we encourage our clients to be clear and concise in their messaging to their customers. The situation you describe above is a perfect example where as soon as the company's messaging was taken out of context by customers, revised messaging should have immediately been announced in a clear, concise manner that would have resolved any confusion or misconceptions on the customer's part. I trust this is / was a learning experience for Daybreak / Dimensional Ink, and why they are so very careful now with their messaging, as they should be.

    Messaging or communications between a company and their clients can be as important as to the company as their product(s).
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  20. Wallachia Devoted Player

    Which is what messed Champions Online: their devs mentioned possible plans of upgrading, it was taken out of context, players came with expectations, just like here. The difference is that, when players demanded the upgrade that was never really mentioned, the devs said "they were overreacting". This pissed them off and CO lost 80% of its playerbase.
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