What does subscription get me?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by AngelicWooGirl, Dec 17, 2013.

  1. AngelicWooGirl New Player

    Thinking about subscribing to this game, what extra's do I get?
    Thank you for any info.
  2. Jafin 10000 Post Club

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  3. Ryejin New Player

    While Jafin's post hit most of it, even the DC people missed somethings.

    You also get an additional 14 character slots, (not listed in the membership benefits area) for a total of up to 16 characters you can have. If you're an altaholic this is nice. Other than inventory slots, I believe you also get more bank slots. It's been a while since I was a free / premium member, but I'm fairly positive the bank inventory increased quite a bit too. Oh and on Christmas like events you get things like a Marrow bot which they're adding in this year. Last year it was a replica of skeet from Booster Gold (god what I wouldn't give to get this wise cracking bot to tag along with me).

    Other perks that are not mentioned in the membership benefits area. You get DLC's before they come out. For instance I got to play quantum, and celestial weeks before it became a DLC because I was a legendary member. I believe legendary members are also the only ones that can do test servers (I might be wrong on this one) to give player feedback to the devs. Kind of important to me, since I like the game and want my voice to be heard.

    Over all if you haven't bought DLCs, and you have the money to go Legendary I would highly recommend it. (Assuming you like the game) otherwise if you don't but wanna play every now and then I suppose a DLC works out.
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  4. AngelicWooGirl New Player

    Great, thanks for the replies :)

    One last question, If I make an Electric toon (Which I think is DLC) and then I stop subscribing, can I not access that toon?

    Thanks guys :)
  5. Anarcho-Captain New Player

    What Ryejin said is accurate. Also, I think you get more broker slots? Which, if you're F2P or Freemium, the Broker doesn't even sound like fun because almost nothing worth anything is less than $2000, let alone $1500.

    If you're wondering if the value is there, I'd say it is. Where other games might only have a few updates & then it's over, this game has more than replay value because they add new content several times a year. In a dollars n' cents fashion, that means where you'd normally pay $10 for 1 DLC that might contain skins or a couple maps (depending on the game in question), DCUO gives out a hefty portion of content that is greater in value based on the LATER you are in joining Legendary status (because you'll get ALL the DLCs at once). So for me the thought went like so:

    I get gas station points & can use them to get a PSN card. So I did. Then I thought "which DLC should I get?" When I realized each was about $10, I immediately saw $14.99 as VERY worth it to get EVERYTHING. As for keeping up the membership, it was just a matter of no longer eating fast food willy nilly. Which isn't good for you anyway & I get FAR more enjoyment out of DCUO than some greasy burger as a 1 time snack.

    On top of the content you get, you get it faster. I know it sounds like I just said that, but here's what I mean. You've heard of the people who are free to play members & they somehow make it all the way to T4 or T5? Do you realize the amount of time it would take you to do that JUST because you have a $ cap and no DLC at all? A LONG time. Whereas you'd get a plethora of things to do the second you go Legendary. It's a long road to the top, but it's even harder to do as F2P/Premium AND you'd be reliant on other players to help you get your gear up to snuff with mods (IF you wanted to get to CR95 or something).
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  6. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    You will keep any character you make with DLC powers if your subscription lapses, you just won't be able to make a new character with a DLC power.
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  7. Ryejin New Player

    @ Anarcho - Damn I knew I forgot something good catch, hats of to you good sir.

    @ Jafin - Thank you for answering Angelic's question cause even I wasn't sure about that one =D
  8. Liongale Dedicated Player

    The biggest bonus is the 500 Station Cash/Loyalty points and 150 Replay Badges per moth. That's a 10 dollar value right there.
  9. bareheiny 10000 Post Club

    Probably worth mentionting that if you have more than 6 (?) characters, you can only "keep" 6 (or whatever the premium limit is). You're required to lock characters (you chose which) to get to the premium limit - these characters can only be unlocked by purchasing more character slots, or by becoming legendary again.
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