What does episode 24 prove

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Dark Soldier, May 1, 2016.

  1. Pults Loyal Player

    Hey now, no finger pointing!
  2. Kuno Loyal Player

    Except when we are asking about more customization, more styles, new skins, new hairstyles (well they added 2 and a MP pack in 5 years, how generous) or high heels for females.
    And CR differential.
    And drops and loot.
    And powers loadout to less closed and boring (AMs destroyed the fun and troll role) and to hotfix Electric and Nature DPS.

    I hope those 3 upcoming episodes doens't turn out to be a dissapointed because I'm getting tired of waiting for dailies, more alerts, open world missions, 4th color palette, water power, style unlocking and alternative leveling. And also all the listed above this.
  3. Gale Reaper Dedicated Player

    They don't listen to you. They listen to sales department.
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  4. Ala Rebeldex Loyal Player

  5. TheDarknessWithin Loyal Player

    I'd rather try it first, then I'll give the criticism. I to know the games has been highly lacking in allot for just over a year. I love the game, I don't love what it has done.
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  6. BumblingB I got better.

    Heeled boots are coming in one of the next three DLCs. Can't remember which, but Loche made sure to mention it in the stream.
  7. Wallachia Devoted Player

    I don't think this was ever in question. In fact, one of the most recurrent complaints I see around here is that 'the devs listen too much'.

    I'm not criticizing them nor this incoming update, tho, they did a wonderful job and proved to us that they can - and most probably will - heal DCUO to its former glory.
  8. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    Episode 24 will bring us one step closer to Episode 25 and thus boots.
  9. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    High heeled shoes will be coming in Episode 25. Boots that have apparently been asked for awhile. I am hoping for #sassyGMboots
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  10. Slade Wilson Devoted Player

    Wasn't writing about styles. Styles have been more of a problem with DC/license really than with the devs or hurting the game/business modell. Also, your perception needs improvement. Imagine WB gives an OK for the Batman Beyond style in 3 weeks. Than the style may get added, but not due repeated spamming, but simply because the license problem cleared.

    I have none of this and have lots of the devs attention. Again, perception ;)
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  11. ErnieB Loyal Player

    Just so you know, the part inside the bar isn't of Episode 24, it's Episode 25.
  12. AgentX44 Committed Player

    But when does it drop in test so that we can test it? We didn't get anything in April so I guess EP 24 will drop on live in like very late May. Maybe even for Memorial Day weekend?
  13. DCUO ENTHUSIAST Dedicated Player

    Episode 24 proves that 24 comes after 23 and appears before 25?
  14. Burning_Baron Loyal Player

    I agree with you TC but it also proves that DC also has a clear agenda. Deadpools success means a push for Red Hood. It helps he is popular already. Firestorm's hair style has been a bif request for a long time and it also show's the devs are finally going to make elitegear worth the chase aesthetically. I never cared for elite but since I care about fashion so much i must have both sets. It also helps he has a story apart of a comic anthology and was a popular character on LoT and the Flash. He also has cool powers .
  15. BigAl Devoted Player

    I don't see that last part happening. I see almost back to back episodes as they are showing 3 in the last stream, could be fast drop times. Here's to hoping. :D
  16. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    Could be.

    I would prefer they fix some of the instability in the game first instead of them trying to rush new episodes too quickly.

    But if they can do both....if they can fix the instability AND release 2 episodes in 1 month.... fine.

    If not..... I prefer they fix the instability first.

    Sometimes it is like I am back playing DCUO on the PS3.