What do you recommend?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by xSkyAndSeax, Nov 26, 2016.

  1. xSkyAndSeax New Player

    So I am somewhat scared to run the new content given that my CR is 175, see I'm the type of player who likes to be semi prepared for new content. I tried doing the dailies but had an extremely hard time doing it, which I have never had a hard time doing. Ever. Maybe you guys can give me suggestions, tips, or advice. Anything would be nice.

    - Sky
  2. Noble One Committed Player

    run the duo and the alert to get some gear (follow the formula). tbh anyone one 175+ should no problems running the new content. it may just take a little longer but thats about it. if you really want to and have the in game cash then i would say buy some shim pieces to boost youre cr.
  3. Korvyne Committed Player

    To start I'll say myself and my leaguemates ran and completed all content, not the elite raids, at cr175, as did most people so it's not super hard.
    This dlc has some mechanics to learn and if you want to be prepared there are countless videos on YouTube you can refer to.
    As for being scared, why? I'll assume for now you mean to pug and your scared you won't do well. Sure you may not but that's no need to be scared. Join a group or start your own, get in and do your best. Youll find there may even be people out there that will help, alas only if you ask or let on you require help or advice though. Enjoy the content and have fun doing so.
  4. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    figure out how to tune your gear.

    start with the solo instance, run the dailies and then the duo. If you're hungry for another provisions box do the 410 monster weekly mission, run the alert.

    If you can be patient for a little bit the pay off will be bigger. Start with tuning all of your green drops. Try to focus on replacing the 150 gear pieces first (chest,legs,back and waist). Same applies to the blues.

    I would save any purple pieces you pick up along the way (they do drop in the solo, the alert and the duo) for when you get your cr up high enough so that they tune to max item level.

    None of the content is that hard. The first boss fight in the UT alert can be very frustrating. You dont kill the boss but have to trap him. If you do it right it takes a few minutes...

    this doesn't even take into account the shim tar gear of which certain pieces can be purchased rather cheap off the broker so "wasting" a few to get your cr up a little shouldn't hurt but i hate using this gear like that.
  5. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    for the dailies just try not to get yourself overwhelmed by too many ads. theres lots of players running around the area so support isnt all that hard. there are lots of groups farming the weekly, hook up with one and do your objectives while killing monsters. everyone wins.
  6. xSkyAndSeax New Player

    Thank you guys for the feedback! I will most definitely try these things and go from there!
  7. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    You should be fine. Let's go over some of the content you can do:

    Daily missions in Typhon's Monster Attack zone .. I was doing these at Cr 171 with my quantum. It was a little tough if the monsters bunched up but doable. There is also the weekly event in that zone that requires players to defeat 410 Monsters and collect their essence for Athena. TEAMS form for that all the time. Grab you daily missions, JOIN a team and you can take care of 2 of your 3 dailies and the weekly at once.

    Now the third daily involves clearing out a lair.. while not necessarily a solo you can have 8 players on a monster hunt team and half of them will have a different location to access that lair mission so you normally wind up doing it solo. Its a little tough but doable

    At 175 the duo is not bad at all... Especially since half the time you can wind up on a team with someone at CR 180+. Until you get a few more CR might want to avoid the FEAT chasers that want YOU to hold the attention of the mob in the final battle chamber while THEY extinguish the flames ... Now if THEY are willing to be the "tank" so to speak while you run around attacking small alters and snuffing out flames .. fine other wise just defeat everything in the room and garb your marks, coins and reward box and run

    The alert.. Like I said on DAY one of this new content I was CR 171 TROLL/DPS and had no issue with anything I joined including the ALERT. Actually our TANK on that day was CR 172 and no one was above CR 176 that I can recall. Very important.. Oh the first battle against the Minotaur position yourself, along with the other team members, between the Minotaur and the support chains at each corner of the room. You need to do that to get the treasure room to open up and complete the battle. There now you have that information without having to suffer through two team wipes because your TANK had played the thing on the TEST server but didn't bother to tell anyone that until after we'd all died twice. Love when players do that "What is wrong with you people ? We need to block the minotaur from getting at those chains!" AND I AM THINING "Duh game has been live for one hour. maybe that was info you could have passed on before we all died twice!" lol

    Even the raids are doable at your CR. Olympus is easier to do and easier to survive than God of Monsters but I did Olympus day 1 and managed to find a good team and complete GOM on day 2. I JUST logged off after completing GOM for the second time and already had Olympus completed the night before.

    Even the solo challenge isn't horribly difficult at CR 171.. the outdoor stuff is simple .. attack a few 2 or 3 man mobs to gain access to the portal and then face of the Felix Faust. After he is defeated travel to Themyscera and defeat Artemus. At Cr 171 I was defeated once battling Faust before I took him down .. THREE times defeated before I defeated Artemus but I managed it. At Cr 177 today I pounded both of them in one try and left with my ,mark, coin and 2 reward boxes.

    Your going to be facing mobs and bosses that are between Cr 186 and 189 but even at CR 171 I was able to take and deliver damage and dint drop like a rock every three seconds. The vendor gear is very expensive but the reward boxes will keep giving you better gear and it gets easier and easier. With the drops I got from God of Monsters I am now at CR 180 Troll and CR 178 DPS and that's without getting a single piece of gear from a time capsule.

    Good luck and have fun
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