What are you afraid of?

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by Lwee, May 2, 2013.

  1. Lwee New Player

    What are you afraid of? From terrified to slighly creeped out, can be serious or silly ;)

    For me its:
    Clowns/Mascots: They creep me out and make me nervous. Never liked or trusted them... I'm not like ''afraid'' of them, just not comfortable around them...

    Big creepy bugs that bite: ESPECIALLY CENTIPEDES! I'm from a country where a lot of insects/arachnids/etc... have a bad*** sting or bite to them (centipedes, tarantulas, tarantula hawks and a wide variety of deadly wasps, bullet ants, etc....) and I've been stung/bitten a few times so yea, not a big fan...

    What about you guys?
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  2. Mini Lini Loyal Player

    Needles. Have fainted from them... I'd rather be stabbed with a knife than with a needle. Just can't take it, irrational fear.

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  3. BlackWingBeyond Committed Player

    Losing my parents. For any reason. For the longest time as a child, I never understood the concept of death until I saw Spielberg's A.I. I was in tears for hours with the sudden realization that someday my parents would pass away. That movie still brings me to tears.
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  4. NoobishGuy New Player

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  5. JayJay2515 New Player

    Spiders, I ******* hate spiders....
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  6. melvinpox Devoted Player

    Used to be afraid of all sorts of stuff...death...being alone...mirrors. I now have great peace with where I will go when I die. I know that I am never truly alone. Mirrors aren't an issue.

    I am, however, really creeped out by caterpillars.
  7. Tskales Well-Known Player

    Spiders, and now centipedes.
  8. BlueVariable Committed Player

  9. Faust74 Loyal Player

    Cameras and Video Cameras.

    I hate being photographed, I'll only allow it depending on the situation. When there is camera or video cam around I get stressed and very irritated. Must be the Native American blood in me that hates cameras. They have an old wives tale that said Camera steal your sole, lol.
  10. MercPony Devoted Player

    I fear a few things such as needles or anything sharp, real life blood (I am a bit hemophobic), and reptiles.... but this pic is worst of all and applies to any arachnid really...
  11. BlueVariable Committed Player

    I have a theory on that concept of the soul being stolen by cameras. The soul (essence/ energy/ spirit) of a person is a powerful thing. The world is full of cameras now and no real privacy exists as it once did. I feel that the more you have your pictures taken, the more your soul becomes unbound by them. Like if you were a cowboy in the 1800's and a camera took your picture, your soul would forever be bound to the photograph, but now if you have thousands upon thousands of pictures taken of yourself and they are on the internet, in albums, floating around, the images will have a connecting quantum string that all the energy flows through and breaks the prison. So your soul actually breaks free of the bond of photographs the more they are taken. :)
  12. recespieces31 New Player

    My fear:

    Look at it...it's :eek:
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  13. Delta795 New Player

    My daughter dating!
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  14. The Jeff Well-Known Player

    I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer.
    Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
    I will face my fear.
    I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
    And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path.
    Where the fear has gone there will be nothing.
    Only I will remain.
    -Bene Gesserit litany against fear
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  15. HealerHollidae New Player

  16. BlueVariable Committed Player

  17. ZeroAccess New Player

    OMG ME TOO!!!! everyone makes fun of me but they look like aliens!!!)(*&)*!! When I was younger I was watching Discovery channel and they showed this centipede that burrowed into a kids foot and ate him alive!

    Only centipedes though other stuff I'm fine with but centipedes scare the hell outta me
  18. Octantis New Player

  19. Fourth New Player

    In my infinite power, I sometimes fear...Nothing.
  20. Feenicks New Player

    This is what I see whenever a wasp flies inside.

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