What are the most tiring tasks in DCUO ?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Tolly, Oct 12, 2022.

  1. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    I absolutely LOVE long world boss feats. Let's me catch up on TV shows whilst doing them :p
  2. L T Devoted Player

    I used to have a lot of respect for you. Please take these comments back to the 150+ page toxic waste dump, and try to be a little more productive in this thread.

    My personal DCUO pet peeve is opening tons of anything. And there's lots of things like that to open. I almost dread double Nth Metal weeks/weekends because I'm stuck with the miserable task of opening all my Nth Metal Caches. The worst part of the Flashpoint Generator Mod crafting wasn't getting all the materials together, it was opening all the crap you needed to open.
  3. myandria Item Storage

    Interesting question! Ok, here is my list

    1. Ignoring the SAME spammers/scammers/gold sellers again and again on each character AND when they come back with a different account/name for EACH CHARACTER that I log in.

    2. Opening up multiple loot boxes for completing the outdoor content. Suggestion: please consider consolidating giving players the choice of using only 2 loot boxes (small for daily and large for weekly/counted) if they complete all of the outdoor missions. For example, if a player finishes all of the daily missions then they should be able to choose if they want separate boxes or one box for all completed missions from an NPC.

    3. High-counter feats. As the devs progress to make end game content more difficult and challenging, the counter feats should be progressing lower. Doomed Metropolis' counter feats were not so bad; 20 defeats for Manta, Cheetah and Gorilla Grodd, 50 for Giganta and the Ultraviolet Construct. In my opinion, any counter feat over 50 becomes a chore for many players. The duos, alerts and Elite raids have their own counter feats as well and it becomes overkill to have so many feats with high counters in them.

    4. Crafting Generator Mods: this process is similar to the crafting process that was abandoned years ago. I rather buy them from the vendor for no feats than have to make them for feats.
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  4. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Never played FF, so I'll take your word for it. Yeah, that sounds like a hassle.
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  5. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I actually put a pretty in depth list on the first page of this thread....but yeah, I was ribbing solowing a bit referencing something in FF as 'bad', that is similar to something 'good' here. You are correct though...it was off topic.

    Funny though, how his reference to a completely different game having issues is 'productive' and 'on topic' enough for you...but oh well I guess.
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  6. Akaiko Well-Known Player

    For me, nothing.

    If I don't like something, I just won't do it so I don't get tired of things.

    The only thing I refuse to do in this game at the moment is craft generator mods. Whatever drops I use. I don't care that I'm missing out on those feats that are technically "easily" obtainable.
  7. LeatherJacket25 Well-Known Player

    Yes! Crafting generator mods! I forgot about that one cause I didn’t ever do them. Waste of inventory space and marks if you ask me. Especially after wonderverse and 31st.

    And yeah getting into like elite content is so tiresome. I don’t care about most of them but like JLD elite has base items I want and am still trying to get them after 2 years. In that time I’ve managed to finish fellowship elite like twice, and neither time got the drops I wanted.