What are 5 things that YOU would do that would improve the game?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Antwoman, Oct 26, 2015.

  1. Astral Lantern Well-Known Player

    1. Better management
    2. Competent staff
    3. Stop nerfing powers before the new ones come out...to pump up respec token sales
    4. In game Mods...more than the 2 they had.
    5. Take your relevancy window and stat clamping and stuff it.

    This thread is a waste of time though....you could give this team the best Ideas in the world and all they will do is try and figure out how to bill you for it.

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  2. OMNILEGION_EU Well-Known Player

    1) Drop the PS3 and release huge overhaul patch improving everything visually about the game.

    2) Make regualr use of the marketplace , constantly updating it with new items.

    3) Go oldskool , remove replay badges and have the best gear on vendors bought with marks gained over time. (I used to respect people in high end gear. I knew people in FOS gear had slaved for it not got it lucky or with replays)

    4) Making legendary subscribers , legendary. Add new perks like bonus loot drops , membership only events and competitions , exclusive items and styles etc.

    5) Making PVP meaningful with leaderborads , ranking systems etc

    But most of all over everything , id make the game for myself , the franchise and the players not just for the money.

    I see no love in DCUO anymore. Its missing way too much and nothing says "we are making this for you not just for money".

    Everything in DCUO feels like its had a shortcut or has an angle to make people spend money. Rip all of that out.

    Thats just me anyways, i could add about 40 more things as im sure many of you could but we can all now continue knowing DCUO will never be what it should be.
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  3. MAXILIANO Loyal Player

    Five things only?:rolleyes:
    1 a total change of game graphics is necessary! Update the game to 4 unreal!

    2 Put the system cross as quickly as possible. However between the PC and the PS4. Leaving the PS3 on a server part to not hinder the future development of the game.

    3 Do not nerfing powers! This is ridiculous and prevents the balance of powers! If a power is strong, just balance the other, not nerfing at all times always desiquilibrando powers!

    4 give more relevance to the missions open world! Back to the missions "!" to be daily may be a good start. Especially with reward relevant boxes now receive.

    5 completely redo the PVP! Balance in power in gear, enhance the open world, etc.
  4. Swiftduck Loyal Player

    1. Drop ps3 support.

    2. Replace it with xbox one support.

    3. Over haul entire game.