What about the left hand?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Original Empress, Dec 24, 2018.

  1. Original Empress Well-Known Player

    Looking at the power set auras I noticed that the right hand can be exclusive but not the left will this ever be fixed? Also will the power set auras and materials be available on the market place any time soon?
  2. Catastrophic Repercussion Dedicated Player

    Considering it's compulsory for light power rings to be placed on our right hand, you'll need to beg Sinestro for that to happen. Or pull a Political Correctness card I guess.
    And no, since they are tradable goods it's unlikely for them to be directly available on the MP, even though I doubt they'd be available for the next round of Resurgence...
  3. Original Empress Well-Known Player

    No it's not that serious I guess I could use the two hands instead.
    Are they still dropping in game?
  4. Schimaera Devoted Player

    Nope. You'd need older TCs, the broker or the Quark Vendor for it.
  5. Catastrophic Repercussion Dedicated Player

    It'd actually be cool if they make mirror versions for the animations. Customizability!
    Resurgence capsules are all expired at this point. You can only try your luck with non-modular auras and materials on the broker.
  6. Gassius_Spray Loyal Player

    I was gifted some right handed coffee mugs and right handed beer steins. They saw a none to pleased look upon my face and asked whats wrong. I said these are for right handed drinkers and I'm left handed. Smfh and walked away.
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  7. Schimaera Devoted Player

    I was referring to the auras from the Cursed Gotham TCs

    Also, the Qwark Vendor has localised Powerset Auras
  8. nawanda Loyal Player

    I’m just guessing here but I think the reason why there are right hand only auras, but not left handed, is that the weapon animations were all designed around ‘right handed’ player characters, and that’s just the way it is.

    I suppose in this day and age there’s the potential for someone to choose to be offended by that.
  9. Catastrophic Repercussion Dedicated Player

    OP said power set ones so I think he's referring specifically to Resurgence ones.

    By non-modular I meant non-localized, I guess you just supplemented info I didn't bother to type.
  10. Caesar's Lion Dedicated Player

    Not exactly what you're looking for OP, but if you use the Herald of the Black hand style & equip a material, the material only applies to the left hand.

    I use this on my ice toon as most of his powers seem to come from his left hand.
  11. tukuan Devoted Player

    I'm not clear if you are talking about in game or canon.

    If the latter I'm not sure it's compulsory, I just think that's just the way they have been drawn. At the end of the day there's a few GLCorps members that don't have hands. Mogo and Lezzle Pon come to mind. If I did a deep dive I could find a few more and I remember at least a couple having tentacles or similar appendages.

    If the former then disregard my nerdom.
  12. Knarlydude Loyal Player

    What power aura are you looking for?
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  13. Catastrophic Repercussion Dedicated Player

    It's the former, game default settings. Don't Dex-starr wears it on his tail anyway?
    Also if it's mandatory to wear it on the right hand side Mogo would face the Alice's size-changing mushroom problem.

    but oh why stop your nerdy curiosity there :p I'd love to see you bombard the board with it
  14. Catastrophic Repercussion Dedicated Player

    wELl i, aS A RIgHt haNDeD pErSOn, AM OFfeNdeD thAt YOU ThINk I cHOsE tO Be oFFenDeD By tHe DOmInANcE oF rIgHT DoMInAncE!!!!! I Am lEgiTiMAteLy OfFENdED bY THis!!!!!

    In all seriousness, it'd be cool if it is a customizable option, it's pretty much just mirroring moves like what they did with Sinestro.
    Though the funny thing I found is that with this technique, pretty much all fighting game characters have ambidexterity.
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  15. Original Empress Well-Known Player

    Actually, this is not an equal rights thing. I just wanted to stylize my left. hand because the right habd has a sword in it.
    NO SJW
  16. Original Empress Well-Known Player


    I want the enigmatic aura, both hands since I can have the left alone.
  17. Original Empress Well-Known Player

    I want the enigmatic aura/both hands since I can't have left alone. I will eventually buy the material as well.

    My Psylocke toon will look epic.

    I would rather it was more pink but enigmatic will do.
  18. Knarlydude Loyal Player

    I don't remember if they made a mental hands only outside of the quark vendor. I will look it up and see if I can find something. What is your toons name and hero or villain? You can PM me if you don't want to make name public.

    Derp..... Does your sig have the right information?
  19. Original Empress Well-Known Player

    Not worried about publicity but thanks
    and yes
    either of those names in my signature will suffice.

    I only play for a few hours per month because of my job but let me know what you find.
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  20. Original Empress Well-Known Player

    I've noticed that they are not all available. I got the sparking hands a month ago and enigmatic was there but now it's something else. Maybe different locations have different stuff?