What about a league rank board on top of House of Legends?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Tros, Aug 25, 2023.

  1. Tros Well-Known Player

    Imagine if somehow there could be a global league ranking:

    Complete difficult missions, feats, sp or something that would motivate the leagues to play even better and also encourage players to be part of that respective league.

    Today the league only defines the people you participate in and play daily.

    Every day a new league is formed and often with players who don't understand much about the game. If these people were in bigger leagues with players who know more about the mechanics and tricks of the game, the whole community would evolve, people would chase to stand out more and have more ambition.

    I think this would be a way to encourage people to join and want to evolve more in the game, not log in every day and just do the dailies.

    And in the case of leagues that play only benefiting from speed hack, well.. If it was discovered that any league was benefiting there would be some kind of temporary penalty, like being temporarily unranked or something. You can't ban an entire league because only 1 for example was caught using it (sometimes even without the league knowing that that member used it)

    It might even encourage leagues to supervise their members for illegal behavior.
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  2. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Interesting concept.

    I’m curious to read what others think.
  3. thedemonocus Loyal Player

    I think it would just cause more gatekeeping
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  4. NameOrNot New Player

    To see it end up as an e-sport game? no thanks!
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  5. Cyclonic Dedicated Player

    It's a really good idea, but it would be difficult to implement a system as to how they're judged for competency. Maybe only particularly difficult feats accomplished amongst the residents would be a factor as well as elite plus finishes. That's really all we have that's worth anything related to true elitism. It would help with recruiting for super small elite leagues as well that can show people how its done.

    It would also put a spotlight on potential speed hackers and make it easier for the devs take of them. I'm all for it.
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  6. bigbadron alt Dedicated Player

    Ugh! No thanks. I play the game with the league that I formed, and have zero interest in how other leagues are performing (it's irrelevant to me, and would probably produce more toxicity in the game).
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  7. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    This, right here. It's bad enough we have the scoreboard in On Duty instances. That's a big, big reason why it's hard to find players who want to play roles anymore. And it's a huge part of why DPSes don't pick up players who go down, because god forbid they should take a couple of seconds out of chasing the scoreboard to pick up someone they're competing against. Or the troll. Or the tank. Or the healer.

    We have enough leagues out there who only want to recruit players that have 200 arts and >400 SP. This would ensure that we have even more of those leagues who only care about showing off how "elite" they are.
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  8. Tros Well-Known Player

    For a while, the league I belonged to had a minimum SP to enter. The goal was for the player to show interest. Showing that he wasn't just a seasonal player or that he was a wild cat that jumps from branch to branch.

    I think this would have the potential to direct players to be in environments that make them evolve.

    I've seen several times that player who plays with small leagues or even with many players, but who has no knowledge of the game and that these players simply do not evolve. Game time is not game knowledge, it's not being good.

    Now that same player in a league that leverages him and gives advice, that player leverages a lot and becomes much better in a short time, which he took a long time to not even come close to in another league he was in.

    I see leagues being created every day and the blind cannot lead the blind.

    I believe that this could direct players to seek instruction and seek to evolve in the game, give a north. Not just playing regular or daily.

    They should think: I'm going to stay with the strong so I can be strong too.
  9. Tros Well-Known Player

    If you're not interested in how other leagues are performing then this wouldn't affect you, maybe you just don't want to be compared to other leagues and feel small.

    You will not be forced to leave your league, what can happen is that your members are interested in going to stronger leagues.
  10. Tros Well-Known Player

    The scoreboard is a way to measure how well you are doing your role as a dps. The greed in damage to the point that you don't do your cooperative part as a mechanic or pickup does get in the way.

    It's not uncommon in games that don't have a scoreboard for someone to only invite you to a group of elite missions after you send a video with your damage per second in sparring.

    As I said a little above, the minimum requirement is a way to filter people who enter as interested, as people who want to evolve and show some interest or previous knowledge of the game.

    Today in our league we accept any CR/SP as long as that person has a mic and has the same desire/interest to evolve in the game.
  11. Tros Well-Known Player

    "When the winds of change blow, some people put up barriers, others build windmills."
  12. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    You know, some people play games to have fun and hang out with their friends. What's the point of topping the leaderboards if you're not enjoying yourself? The reason why all this competitiveness and elitism is toxic, is because it makes it harder for people who just want to play the game to get into alerts and raids. And, judging by the people who spend hours in LFG trying to put together groups, it makes it harder for them to play alerts and raids, as well.

    As far as I'm concerned, scoreboards and leaderboards are just there to allow players to look down their noses at other players, and to enable elitism.
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  13. Plowed In Loyal Player

    Total alerts completed/Total raids completed

    As long as the categories encouraged activity, I’d be for it
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  14. Tros Well-Known Player

    It's not about encouraging elitist toxic conduct, it's about encouraging the player to improve every day. I'm not talking about an insatiable thirst for being the best player in the game, but at least doing your job well and being able to enjoy the best of the game.

    That hard-to-get achievement is usually the most exciting when you get it. Tell me, a person who only plays regular, doesn't understand very well about his role, dies in the raid and doesn't even know why he died, do you think that person is really enjoying the game to its potential?
  15. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    I understand what you're trying to say, but the fact is, those people who chase the leaderboards just don't want to play with people who have less SP than them. And the way you get SP is by doing the content, and completing feats. But you can't complete the feats if you can't do the content, and you can't do the content when people don't want to play with you because you don't have enough SP.

    Also, it's very telling that you think people who "only play regular" don't understand how to play the role. That sounds pretty elitist. I "only play regular," and not only do I understand how to play my role, I play it just fine. And I am enjoying the game. Am I "enjoying the game to its potential?" Probably not, by your standards. But I don't try to quantify "enjoyment." I play the game. If I'm having fun, I continue to play. If I'm not having fun, I don't play.
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  16. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    I dunno about this I could see this being a big issue.

    A change I would like to see concerning leagues is the ability to join multiple. Lots of mmos allow this and it’s definitely within the dc lore
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  17. Tros Well-Known Player

    I've been in the place of not knowing how to play my role properly, of not having sps, of not having artifacts and so on.

    What I did find were people who were at a higher level and were willing to help, advise, teach...

    And I had to work hard to reach almost 700 sp and I'm still working hard to reach more. But even so, I still play with alts that are very weak and when people "don't want to play with me", I simply go there and set up the group, even though those people are "carrying" my weak alt in some missions, when I'm in these alts, it's like I'm in charge of uniting these players and of course knowing the mechanics, I do my best to help the group complete. So even if there are "I only play with 800 sp and above", you can play calmly.
  18. Catastrophic Repercussion Dedicated Player

    "The road to hell is paved with good intentions"
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  19. Tros Well-Known Player

    Yes, hell is paved with good intentions, but I believe that none of them departed from the intention to have good deeds.

    I came up with the idea not as a form of personal gratification or to show my name above others, but because I realize that people are satisfied playing in a ball where they don't evolve as players.

    There is a lot of advice, tips, knowledge that these people do not have access to because they are simply not in the right place.

    I am proof of that. For many years I played in weak leagues and did not evolve as a player. But as soon as I got to a league that I really learned the view completely changed, the game changed.

    And I believe that this can be one of the ways to encourage and strengthen the community. This will encourage leagues to grow stronger.

    Today the leagues, many of them are for people who simply want to be in charge or want to be some kind of celebrity for being leader/leaders of the league. This doesn't do anything in the game other than massage the ego of those who take it seriously.

    I believe this type of change can turn the key for some players.
  20. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    Some of the old dox sites had this. Wavedox I believe along with a few others. Had lots of different categories as well. Top ranked pvp, pve, average sps, cr etc etc etc. I think you can also do this with the dcuo census although I don't know if its up and running. I get how stuff like this can weaponized in the wrong hands but personally I loved looking up different players and leagues just to see.