Wha is going on with these low SP???

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by SERPENTXOFXGOD, Oct 1, 2014.

  1. SERPENTXOFXGOD Well-Known Player

    I use to be really great on DPSING but now Gadgets, Electricity , Quantum and even Earth can either match me or just pass me. I have much higher skill points that feel are not showing any difference anymore. I dont understand what is going on. Frustrated.
  2. LightSp33d Well-Known Player

    Skill Points aren't the only determining factor js. Rotations, Skill of Player, Situation, etc all play a part in making a good Dps. Just because someone does more damage doesn't necessarily mean that their power is better. I've seen countless Dps' in full T6(108cr) get beaten by Dps who are 104-106cr, most likely because they have a good loadout, better knowledge of the power, etc...
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  3. Darkhawk Well-Known Player

    Exactly. I was about to type something similar. Skill points do help, but in some cases they are not the deciding factor.
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  4. Xibo Loyal Player

    If you are a good player and know to play as DPS the only thing that you need is no LAG, 160 SP and 94 full gear with mods VI. You beat all.
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  5. blklightning New Player

    What's your powerset?
  6. Juxes Committed Player

    Practice more, master your power set, test many different load outs and rotations. Like the other poster said, Skill points aren't always the determining factor.

    You have to take "Skill" and their "Knowledge" of their power into account. Yea those things exist :rolleyes:
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  7. Unknown Legend Active Player

    How do you know you have much higher skill points?
  8. Inpent New Player

    Its all about player skill.
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  9. Threesunsight Active Player

    As a hl player, I feel ya dog.
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  10. savageprime New Player

    Lol you mad cause power sets are moving to being on closer grounds with each other.
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  11. DEMONIZER1 Loyal Player

    Not true!

    I'm not full 94 and only have 147 SP, I've crushed full 94 160+ folks.

    It's the player in most cases!

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  12. FameYack Committed Player

    Since you add Quantum in the mix,
    I'm going for skills

    A. Top Performers Low SP players who weren't carried till the end:

    a. Newcomers will develop more skill in new content since they have to care much for survaivability and are, therefore, withstanding by themselves
    b. Alts veteran will have a faster learning curve in the new powerset

    B. If you are only used to run with high elite vets your skill will deteriorate since you will hardly find challenges

    C. You might just be bored and are being careless
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  13. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

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  14. The Valeyard New Player

    I've said this before, SP are extremely helpful. But that's it, they should NEVER be taken into consideration when evaluating player ability or skill. I only have 57 SP and have beaten plenty of other PVPers with well over 100 SP. I have yet to have someone try and exclude me due to SP, and that's why. Because the job can still get done regardless.
  15. Rhinosus13 Loyal Player

    This is such a handy video :)

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  16. SERPENTXOFXGOD Well-Known Player

    I didn't say I always had this problem I lead by 4 mil easy but the last few weeks something changed. I am doing much better now. I had to go back to the drawing board and no I am not a HL lol. I got my mojo back. But thank you for all the great advice.
  17. Abisial Committed Player

    Wrong :/
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  18. MARK2099 New Player

    How do you reach that conclusion about you being good? because beat random pugs is not enough to be a good dps, and sp do make a huge difference if 2 skilled players compete, the lack of sp for fill all critical innates can easy reduce a good % of damage, the might and precision bonus can increase more the gap (but not as much since are not %).

    Don't get me wrong, i'm not calling you a bad dps, but maybe you never encounter players who put a lot of effort to overcome some obstacles like lack of gear and sp.
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  19. SilverBullet Dedicated Player

    Gadgets crits are way off. I have a gadget dps and, everytime I do a wm combo follwed by power then the red ring and, no crit. That happens 99% of the time.
  20. SilverBullet Dedicated Player

    I forgot to say other powers crits are way off to. Just not as bad as gadgets. That affects my score with any power I use. I know what I'm doing I think it's a lag someplace and, not on my end.