Well why not Justice League Dark Spotlight?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Tros, Aug 25, 2023.

  1. Tros Well-Known Player

    This week save the Universe features JLD duo, alert and raid. If there is a spotlight, players would benefit more with spam to finish those 250x feats. Also, this save the universe isnt good to spam 250x raids, GoM was lets say ok, but FoA... oh god.
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  2. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Not to mention the next DLC is JLD related, so we'll all be burned out on the theme just getting ready to go into it again.
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  3. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    I thought I heard a “D’oh!” Coming from Daybreak…. Hmmm…..
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  4. Tros Well-Known Player

    Yes but the people who are spamming is already burned out in any way... Also that double marks will help out for who spams.
  5. Eve YouTuber

    I think they spotlighted it through Save the Universe. I'm wondering if the reason they picked Wonder Woman content before, is because she is a major figure in the next episode. (Since Hecate is involved aswell)
  6. Tros Well-Known Player

    Well the last spotlight was TItans before save the universe.
    Then we got no weekly bonus.
    Then 2x Ally favor + Nth metal drops.
    Now we got 2x BoP

    Im just saying that the devs lunched a 2 week Fury III STU and then 2 week JLD STU.

    For players that are spamming that raid for 250x Feats like i do, would be nice if we got alse a 2x source from that episode, so would be better for who are spamming it.

    We have catalysts, ally, style feats... all that can be bought with SM. Its just a smart way of thinking, would help a lot of people who spaming.
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  7. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Honestly if they really wanted to 'help' people, they should upgrade old runs that have a batch of RNG related feats. The nexus artifacts, or FVR rogues. Port of paradise duo could have been the WW duo in this or the last STU. There are a LOT of random feats in there, so a reason to re-run it would be great for new players. There are like 3 feats in the Hades duo that can all be done in 2 runs and we get that GOD AWFUL Hades monologue every time....bleh.

    At least DR has those werewolf counts and some catalyst drops to collect (if you need the JLD back).

    Not sure who picks these pieces of content....I think the worst was the Iceberg Lounge solo that was 'Batman' related....even though Batman isn't in it.
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  8. Tros Well-Known Player

    Well thats a good point.
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