Weapon Vendors DLC9

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by scotch74, Dec 19, 2013.

  1. scotch74 New Player

    Was really happy to hear weapons will be avail for purchase in the next DLC! I have a Green Arrow-inspired character and its bizarre running around with a staff since its' my highest level weapon drop. (also a crappy troller weapon). has it been mentioned what level the weapons would be? I think the highest is currently the 88 drops in Dox...wonder if they would be the same or maybe one level higher.
  2. SkullGang Devoted Player

    I'm guessing higher since the gear will be CR90.
  3. UltraElite Dedicated Player

    got a link to this info?
  4. scotch74 New Player

  5. scotch74 New Player

    90 nice....guess I won't hold my breath for the 88 to drop in DOX then