Weapon Respec Token

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Comixfan, Feb 19, 2013.

  1. Comixfan Committed Player

    Why is it that the Weapon Respec Token you can purchase off the marketplace only moves the initial power point you get when you selected a weapon at character creation to the new weapon style you choose? Why does it not also grant you the starting weapon style?

    As they are, these tokens are practically useless.

    How about it, devs? Can we get starting weapon styles with these tokens to make them actually useful?
  2. Bioinc Skull Committed Player

    It's a trap!!!
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  3. Anhur Committed Player

    Presumably, their method of adding the Movement and Power Respec tokens meant that the Weapon one could be put in easily too, it has no use, but better for them to add it then not to.

    There is no use for it, I cannot imagine it generates much, if any, revenue - adding some value to it as Comix mentioned, would go a long way.
  4. Mitchell New Player

    Doesnt it unlock the shield for free even if you dont own the DLC? sure someone said it did
  5. Comixfan Committed Player

    No, the starter shield is a random drop in game.
  6. Mitchell New Player

    sorry, meant unlock access to the shield tree
  7. Bioinc Skull Committed Player

    Well I'm officially outraged.
  8. kgghk New Player

    Dont think that works. Isn't it 10$ anyway may as well buy the dlc.
  9. Comixfan Committed Player

    Nope, it's $5.
  10. Whizzkid Dedicated Player

    A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, a rumor was spread that you received some sort of hidden bonus for using your starter weapon. It was never confirmed though. What's an unconfirmed rumor? That's right, you guessed it. A rumor.
  11. Kroye Loyal Player

    You're absolutely right. I had an old Kroye_VNV character still on the boat that I bought a weapon respec token for in the hopes he'd get the simple staff style. He didn't. He also didn't get a new weapon.

    To add insult to injury, he's still on the boat, can't use his dual pistols because he's only a lvl3 and can't unlock pistols again until lvl 10. I gave up. I think he's sitting there with 37 Marks of Distinction and 10 Marks of Krpyton, though. Probably has a name change device is his mailbox.